Page 47 of Fierce- Royce

“Sure,” he said. “Want to give me a heads up so I’m prepared?”

“Just the status of some of the companies at the commercial building. Grant reached out to me last week to call him on Tuesday. I believe they’ve got another potential renter and he was going to talk to the Olsons this weekend. I’m glad it’s on their end to get that fleshed out before it gets to us.”

“Me too,” he said. But more rentals would mean more engineering services and maybe Chloe would be assigned to it and this would put them in each other’s space again without needing an excuse to see her.

“Didyou get a chance to talk to Royce this morning?” Grant asked Richard. “I’ve got Garrett in here too on speaker phone.”

“I saw him and Elise talking when I came in. I asked how the party went and he said he left right after midnight. I didn’t get much more out of him other than saying I’m surprised he stayed as long as he had.”

“What was his response?” Garrett asked.

“That the food was good,” he said, laughing. That was typical of his son.

“It was good,” Grant said. “I’m trying, Richard. I really am. I refuse to give up, but Royce and Chloe didn’t talk all that much that I could see at the party. On top of that, our kids know what we are doing and with whom and they were in both Chloe and Royce’s ear.”

“That’s not good,” he said. “Does my son know I’m part of this?”

“No clue,” Grant said. “I’m not about to ask or bring it up, are you?”

“No way,” he said. “But you’re telling me they didn’t talk that much and he left at midnight. Then Elise just commented in front of Royce in regards to him having a buddy over for football and beer on Sunday.”

There was a loud collective sigh on the other end. “I don’t get it,” Garrett said. “They seem perfect for each other and I’m not sure how to get them to see it.”

“Maybe part of the problem is Chloe does know it and is fighting it?” Richard asked.

“She is doing that,” Grant said. “She knows too. Our kids are pretty vocal about it.”

“Do you think she’d be more willing if you backed off or said you didn’t know what you were thinking? That there was no way they would get along?” he asked.

“Like reverse psychology?” Garrett asked. “We haven’t tried that yet. It might work.”

“I’m willing to give anything a try,” Grant said. “But to keep this call legit, I did talk to Robert at the party briefly. He stopped over and said they do have someone interested in the other half of the first floor. They’d like to see the space first and talk with you guys and get an idea of what can be done and the cost before they commit.”

“Let me know a time to meet and Royce and I will be there. Or just Royce. Maybe I’ll send Elise with him too. She is pretty good on the costs and mentioned that sometimes she can walk through and start building the costs as they talk while she takes notes rather than waiting for Royce to get back to her. He’ll have to figure out the labor, but Elise will be doing all the ordering anyway.”

“If you think that will make it go faster, we’ll defer to you,” Grant said.

“Yeah. And while you’re at it, you can get a feel for my youngest. At this rate maybe you should shift gears and see if you know anyone for her. Royce might be a lost cause.”

The brothers both laughed. “We can do that too if you want,” Garrett said.

“Just keep my name out of it, if you can.”

He hung up shortly after and got ready for his meeting with his son.

Royce walked in. “What are you shaking your head about?”

“What?” he asked.

“You’re shaking your head and sitting here by yourself. Something I need to know about?”

“Sorry. I was just on the phone with Grant and Garrett. They were talking about his kids and grandkids. I was shaking my head over the fact both of my kids are lost causes and told them that.”

“I’m surprised they didn’t offer to help find us someone,” Royce said, smirking at him. “Everyone knows they love matching people up.”

“That is where the head shaking came from. I told them God no. It’d never happen. My kids wouldn’t fall for it and would want nothing to do with it.”

“That’s right,” Royce said. “On both cases.”