Page 98 of Fierce- Royce

“Yay,” Tyler said, running to the table where the baskets were. Chloe had fun putting together some toys and candy. She remembered when she was a kid it was more candy than anything. Not really gifts. But her mind went to how it’d be a year from now with her own child.

Hell, the baby would be here at Christmas too. Not that old, but old enough there would be gifts under the tree to be opened.

Yeah, she had to stop thinking of those things when she and Royce were still in different locations right now.

Maybe later they could talk some more about things.

“Can we get you anything to drink?” her father asked Royce. “Doreen is going to put some snacks out.”

“I’m good,” Royce said.

“I’ll help you, Mom.”

She left Royce to talk with Dane and her father and went to the kitchen.

“He seems very nice,” her mother said.

“He is. I’m not sure why you thought otherwise.”

“It’s as I said. You haven’t said that much about him so we weren’t sure. It’s only been a few months.”

She held back a sarcastic comment. “I know. But I told you I’ve known him for years. He’s a great guy. He was good with the kids just now.”

“Is that the first time you’ve seen him around kids?”

“Yes,” she said.

“So you have no idea what you’re getting into.”

She almost growled. “I didn’t know how I’d be with a kid either until Tiffani was born. Not everyone is just born knowing what to do or great about kids like Dane is.”

“No,” her mother said. “I’m worried about you. Babies take time and care.”

“I know that,” she said. She knew where this was going too.

“But you like your own time and space. It’s not a secret. Even Royce seems to know that you can’t be pushed. I’ve got to imagine owning his own company he isn’t around much. You haven’t said if his parents are married or not?”

“They aren’t,” Royce said, coming into the kitchen. “My mother wanted more than my father could give. My father gave more than enough, but it was never enough for her. She liked the money, but that was it. When she decided to leave she didn’t want to have me with her but wanted my sister because it would look bad if neither kid wanted to be with her.”

“Oh,” her mother said.

“Mom,” she said. “This is personal.”

“It’s fine,” Royce said. “I’m an open book. I don’t have a problem with this. I don’t have a great relationship with my mother and neither does my sister. We both stayed with my father who we were closer with and have never regretted it. Not everyone has a great relationship with both of their parents in life, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be a good parent themselves.”

Chloe smiled. “You’re right. I don’t doubt it. As my mother just pointed out, I might have to not be selfish and give up my time for a child. You know, as if I wouldn’t have realized that.”

Royce reached out and pulled her close to his side. “We’ll figure it out. I’m here for Chloe and she knows it. We aren’t kids but mature adults.”

“That’s right,” she said. “I know you mean well with everything, Mom, but please. Can we just enjoy this family meal? There aren’t any secrets here and never have been.”

Her mother lifted her eyebrow at her. “We didn’t know about Royce.”

“That isn’t a secret as much as I’m private and you know it. I told you about the letter from Emily and that I had someone look into her too and what was found.”

“What are your thoughts on that?” her mother asked Royce.

“Mom,” Dane said, coming into the room. “It’s not the time. The kids are asking for food too. I’m sure Chloe will fill you in later.”