Page 95 of Fierce- Royce

“I know,” he said. They heard a noise outside her office. “Now what?”

“Kiss me,” she said quickly.

“What?” he asked.

“We are looking over the blueprints and you can lean down and give me a little kiss on the lips. Not a makeout session. This is my office, you know.”

He laughed at her and put his lips to hers for a second, then she pulled back and looked at the door and saw Grant and Garrett standing there.

“Are we interrupting?” Grant asked. There was a massive smile on his face as if he was going to high-five his brother.

“No,” she said. “Was there something you needed from us?”

He would give Chloe credit for being so casual about being caught kissing when her bosses had been trying to aggressively set them up for months and hadn’t gotten anywhere.

“Yes,” Garrett said. “What is going on here? You’ve been playing with us, haven’t you?”

Royce looked at Chloe. She wanted to handle this so he was going to let her. “Don’t you play with all of us here?” she asked.

Grant and Garrett looked at each other and their shoulders dropped. “How long has this been going on?”

“Does it matter?” Chloe asked. “I think it’s more you didn’t see it coming. Win for me.” He heard the humor in her voice and smiled again.

“Who didn’t see it coming?” Grant said. “We’ve known all along.”

Grant turned to his brother who gave him an elbow pump. “We’re always right,” Garrett said. “I’m not sure why everyone doubts us. Even our wives have been doing it. I can’t wait to go back and rub their faces in this.”

Royce let out a snort over that. “That’s a little harsh,” he said.

“Our wives can be that way with us,” Garrett said. “We had this all along. But you had us going. Is it recent? It has to be recent.”

Chloe grinned. “Since the middle of December or so.”

“Noooo,” Grant said. “You guys barely talked to each other at the Christmas Eve party. And the same on New Year’s Eve.”

“Maybe because you aren’t the only ones that can be sneaky,” Chloe said. “We knew we were being watched. It was fun.”

“I guess it doesn’t matter as long as everything is working out. And your father is aware?” Grant asked him.

“He is,” Royce said. “We had dinner with him and Elise yesterday. I’m sure the minute you leave this office you will be on the phone with him and comparing notes.”

“Of course,” Grant said. “No reason to hide anything now. Right? This is out in the open?”

“It is,” Chloe said. “Though there were some that knew already.”

“Why am I not surprised,” Garrett said. “People like keeping things from us.”

He watched as the brothers left Chloe’s office. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asked him.

“No. I’m not one for being the center of attention, but that wasn’t as horrible as I thought.”

“It wasn’t. And you can bet it’s going to make the rounds fast. You can sneak out of here and leave it to me to deal with.”

He wasn’t sure he wanted to do that but had a crazy amount of work to do today. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing bad,” she said. She looked up and saw Jade, Drake and Ryder standing there. “You know already?”

“We always knew,” Jade said. “Or I did. Ryder and Drake were guessing. I swear my father and uncle are dancing around the office on cloud nine right now.”