On Her Own
Chloe had her lunch in her hand and walked into the small cafeteria on the fourth floor where her office was located. She noticed Raina and Megan laughing at a table by themselves and made her way there. “What’s so funny?” she asked.
“Megan called my brother a meathead,” Raina said.
“I’ve seen him,” Chloe said. “He looks like one, but we know Megan wouldn’t be able to be around anyone that couldn’t understand her jokes.”
“That’s right,” Megan said. “Jonah is great.”
“You both suck,” Chloe said, pulling her lunch out to start eating. Might as well get comfortable and listen to her friends talk about their love lives. It was the only way she got to be somewhat close to one. “I didn’t mind being single when there were more of us, but the number is dwindling.”
“Ladies,” Garrett asked, moving over, “did you all have a nice holiday?”
“We did,” Megan said. “I believe you heard.”
Garrett winked at Megan. “I have to ask now and again since I don’t get to see you two together. Need to make sure that bull is still being directed properly.”
“Shhh,” Megan said, grinning. “Don’t say that in front of Raina.”
Raina grinned. “My brother only goes where he wants to go. I know that more than anyone.”
“And how was your Thanksgiving, Chloe?” Garrett asked. “Spend it with anyone special?”
“The only people I seem to spend any time with are those with the same last name as me,” she said. “Unless they are coworkers, and sadly, they are the same sex as me.”
“You might need to do something about that,” Garrett said.
“I’m good the way I am,” Chloe said.
Garrett moved off after that and started to talk to other employees. “Oh no. I think you’re next,” Megan said.
“No way,” she said. “No reason for me to be. I’m just another employee to them. It’s not like they’ve got any family members left. Besides. I’m not sure I like the idea of it all. No offense.”
“None taken,” Raina said.
“Nope,” Megan said. “I’m not family either.”
“But Cody is family so that is where Raina came into play. Then Jonah to Raina. Still sort of family,” she said.
“Jonah and I got here ourselves,” Megan said, lifting her chin.
“With advice from Garrett and Grant,” Raina said. “Don’t kid yourself.”
“You asked for their advice?” she asked. Chloe shouldn’t have been surprised. That was totally a Megan move. Might be a move she’d make too if she thought she needed help, but in her personal life she was on her own and liked it that way.
If her parents complained that she’d never settle down she didn’t care. She’d seen her brother’s marriage fall apart years ago because he didn’t pay enough attention to his wife.
She thought Dane spent more than enough time with his wife and kids. More than she’d do, but it was never enough for her ex-sister-in-law that was out of their lives.
Well, not out of Dane’s life, but her brother had to figure that out. At least Dane had his kids this Thanksgiving so she got to spend it with family. Like she’d told Garrett, everyone with the same last name as her.
“Maybe,” Megan said slyly.
“Good for you,” she said. “Didn’t think anyone had the balls to do that other than family.”
“If my brother-in-law is to be believed, I’m going to grow some soon with all the muscles I’ve built and look like a man,” Megan said.