Page 79 of Fierce- Royce

He saw the uncertainty in her eyes and hated it. “No. Never. You can’t have a beer with me if you are worried about driving. And since we are going to have some games upstairs, maybe we can have a few wagers.”

“Now you’re talking my language.” She was rubbing her hands together. “What did you have in mind?” she asked.

“I guess we’ll figure it out as we go,” he said.

She walked to his room and put her clothes away. He’d even given her a drawer she could use last time. He got some plates and napkins out and grabbed two beers. Nah, he grabbed a four pack and would put it in the fridge he had up there anyway.

He’d had time to shower before she showed up and she was in jeans herself, so she must have changed at home when she went to get her clothes.

“I’m starving,” she said. “And wings are meant to be messy. So don’t laugh at me.”

“Me laugh at you?” he said. “I’m the one that was dropping food on me when we had our first lunch together.”

She started to laugh. “I completely forgot about that. You’re right. But I haven’t seen you do that again. Must be I made you nervous.”

He’d never been nervous around women that much in his life. Just because he felt like he didn’t talk to them well didn’t mean he was nervous about it all though.

But with Chloe he felt as if he had a lot more control than he had in the past. It was a nice feeling.

“It’s your smoking good looks,” he said.

Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, her eyes clear as day with a tiny bit of smoky arousal staring at him.

Her cheeks had a blush to them that he found sexy and innocent at the same time.

“Then we complement each other,” she said. “Let’s eat and then we can play some pool. What do you think about strip pool or darts?”

“You can’t be this perfect,” he said, shaking his head. Maybe that was where the blush was coming from. She knew what she had planned for the night.

“I most certainly can be,” she said, laughing at him.

She was fluttering her eyelashes at him. She pulled the plates out and put some wings on hers and he opened two beers and handed them over. “Do you want a glass?”

“Nah,” she said. “I can drink it out of the can. It’s fine. I’m not that high maintenance.”

Thank God was all he could think, but he could go get her a glass too. “I don’t do well with high maintenance women.”

“That is your mother talking,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m not trying to be mean, but you do well with me. I don’t think I’m a tomboy or anything either.”

“No,” he said. They started to eat their wings, both of them with napkins all around them. “My mother would never be caught dead eating dinner like this, and to me, you can’t get much better.”

“The same,” she said. “I’ve eaten like this a few times when I’m alone. Life is about fun.”

“And we are going to have some of that tonight while I kick your butt in pool.”

They finished off about a dozen wings and a beer each and then cleaned up their hands and went to the pool table.

“Rack them up,” she said, wiggling her hips at him. She was just pure evil.

“So how are we doing this? Loser has to ditch an article of clothing? We could be here a while if we do it for each game.”

“How about for every two balls one of us sinks, the other has to take something off. Winner is going to have eight balls so that is four articles of clothing the other takes off.”

“That works,” he said. One of them would be down to their undergarments after the first game at this rate. Socks, pants and a shirt.

He got the balls all set up. “I’ll break,” she said. “You know, ladies first.”

It was the look in her eyes that told him he might be up against a shark right now, but he was looking forward to it. They’d both be winners in the end, he was sure.