Page 46 of Fierce- Royce

Not that he didn’t like vegetables, but he didn’t normally buy them either though he must have. Could be he grabbed them by mistake one week.

They talked while she cooked and he learned more about her than he thought he would. The friends part of the arrangement.

They exchanged college stories and friends and he found that they had a lot of the same tastes in music and TV.

But once dinner was cleaned up, she was yawning and he knew she was beat and was slightly shocked she’d stayed as long as she had.

She went on her way and they hadn’t talked again.

“You normally have guests over on a holiday?” Elise asked him.

Shit. “What?” he asked.

“I drove by your house. I was going to stop and say hi. I don’t know. I was bored and just didn’t want to spend the day by myself. I ended up going to see Dad once I saw a car in your driveway.”

“Did you tell Dad I had someone over?”

Elise grinned. “No. Is it a secret? Is it a woman?”

There was no way out of this. Well, there was. He could lie. Or he could stick to the truth and let her draw her own conclusions. “I had a friend over and we watched football, had a beer and some sandwiches and snacks.”

Elise’s grin dropped. “Oh. Guess it’s not a woman then.”

Damn, that was easier than he thought it’d be. He couldn’t wait to tell Chloe. When he talked to her again and who knew when that would be.

“What did you and Dad do?” he asked.

“Nothing. He was watching football too. I wasn’t that interested in it so I just left and went home. I was tired anyway from the night before.”

“Why didn’t you want to be alone?” he asked. “You like being alone. You could have gone to see Mom.”

“Hell no,” Elise said. “I’m good for a year or more. We both are. I don’t know. Sometimes it’s just boring being home alone. If it was a normal Sunday I don’t think I’d care, but it wasn’t. Most stores were closed and there wasn’t anything on TV. It was like this reminder I was a loser by myself when other people were visiting. Even you had a friend over.”

He never remembered Elise being this way before but didn’t know if he had the mental energy to deal with it or her either.

“You two are here early,” his father said, moving past his office. So much for coming in early to get work done.

“I was just talking to Royce about me being the loser by myself on Sunday. He was with one of his buddies watching football and drinking beer.”

It wasn’t really the truth but could be. If his father and sister wanted to assume the buddy was a male, more power to them.

“I told your sister she isn’t a loser. My door is always open. Speaking of being with people, how did the party go on Saturday night?”

“I’m going to work,” Elise said. “I heard this already.”

“Really?” his father asked. “What was there to hear?”

“Not much,” he said. “Elise was shocked I went alone as if I can’t handle socializing with people I know.”

“She doesn’t get it,” his father said. “It’s different for guys. You knew more than enough people there I’m sure.”

“I did,” he said. “It was fine. I talked with a bunch of people and moved around then a few minutes after midnight got out of there with everyone else.”

“I’m surprised you stayed as long as you did,” his father said, lifting an eyebrow.

“The food was good,” he said.

His father laughed. “I’m sure it was. When you get settled why don’t you come into my office? There are a bunch of things I want to go over with you before you head to the sites.”