Page 41 of Fierce- Royce

Her problem was getting through the next ten minutes and then driving the fifteen minutes to Royce’s house without creaming herself before she could even get her clothes off and see him naked.

There had been no plans on whether she’d stay the night. She realized now that it wasn’t something they talked about and she wondered why.

Then she told herself they couldn’t plan it all out so she’d just let this play out as it did. She’d leave and go home if she had to, no biggie.

When people started to count down to midnight she looked around and saw Royce by another of her colleagues talking. It was as if he knew her eyes were seeking him and he glanced her way, she turned to someone else after she smiled.

People were shouting Happy New Year and toasting and she was just ready to get the hell out of there.

There was no way they were leaving together and she hoped they planned it well.

Within five minutes people were gathering jackets and leaving, Royce being one of them. Her coat was up in her office with her purse, so she went in that direction with a few other employees. Perfect, there would be witnesses that she left alone, as many obviously knew what was going on.

When she got out to her car, there were a lot of vehicles leaving at once and she didn’t see Royce’s truck. She had no clue where it’d been parked anyway, but she knew her way to his house and drove there.

Surprisingly, when she pulled into his driveway the garage door was down and she started to wonder if she beat him here, but she saw the front porch light on and he wouldn’t have left that for himself if he entered through the garage.

She got out and went to the front porch and the door opened, Royce standing there waiting for her with a big smile on his face.

“Anyone follow you here?”

She started to laugh. “I don’t think so.”

“Good,” he said, shutting the door and yanking her hard into his chest like he did one week ago here.

His mouth came down on hers and their hands were both moving over the other’s body.

Her jacket was helped off and ended up on the floor she was sure. She didn’t care and it’s not like she was going to stop kissing him to look.

His big hands slid up the side of her waist and to the front, cupping her breasts over her shirt. “I’m not sure I can wait that long, Royce.”

“I guess I don’t need to ask if you’re still sure then.”

She let out a laugh. “I drove here, didn’t I? You’re lucky I didn’t start touching myself in the car on the ride.”

“Shit,” he said. His hands went to the buttons on her shirt while he tugged it out of the waist of her pants. “You wore this on purpose. I know you did. You never wear anything this low cut.”

“Do you like it?” she asked.

He had all the buttons undone and her shirt hanging open, her bra exposed. “I do,” he said. “And like this even better.”

Her black lace bra hooked in the front, he found it fast and undid it, her breasts spilling out and him lifting her up so that his mouth went right to one perky nipple that stood firm when the cool air hit it.

She didn’t like the feeling of hanging there, so she wrapped her legs around his hips and held on while he moved his mouth from one breast to the other. Her head was back, the feelings he was evoking in her too much for her to even have the strength to stand anyway.

Her fingers went into his hair and held him in place, not wanting him to stop. She even started to grind against his hips hoping for some relief.

“Oh no,” he said. “Don’t you finish without me.”

“I have no intention of that,” she said. “But you might have to hurry up because it’s just been way too long. We can pay more attention to other areas of the body another time.”

He dropped her back down, her legs unstable on her black heels, the heat of his body lost and her regret from opening her mouth visible.

“Pants off,” he said.

She toed her shoes off and started to laugh. His bedroom was on this floor, but it seemed as if neither of them was going to be able to make it that far.

He was pulling his wallet out and had a condom in his hand as she undid her pants and pushed them down with her underwear at about the same time as he lowered his and covered his massive cock.