Page 10 of Fierce- Royce

“Megan!” Raina said, laughing.

“Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

“Do I even want to know?” she asked. “I think you are far from being a man. Flex for me and I’ll let you know.”

Megan pulled her sleeve up and flexed because she knew it’d embarrass Raina that so many people were looking at them. “Not bad, huh?”

“I’m getting slightly turned on,” Chloe said. “Maybe you are turning into a man.”

“You two are horrible,” Raina said, smiling and standing up with the remains of her lunch. “I’m going back to my office.”

“She’s so easy,” Megan said to her.

“She really is. But is her brother easy?” she asked. Sometimes this was fun too because she did miss spending time with a guy. Feeling one against her body. If she closed her eyes she kept seeing Royce and wished that wasn’t the case but not much she could do about it.

Guess the body wanted what it wanted, but it seemed like she might be on her own there.

“There isn’t anything easy about either of her brothers. I’m assuming you are asking about the one I’m spending time with.”

“Of course,” she said.

“Yeah, Jonah isn’t easy, but we are making it work our way.”

“Then that is all that matters,” she said. “You’re way ahead of me.”

The two of them were eating their lunch when Grant came over. It seemed to her that the Fierce men were making their way around the tables.

“Ladies,” Grant said. “How are you doing?”

“Good, Grant,” she said. “How was your holiday?”

“It was good,” Grant said. “And yours?”

“We just got done telling your brother about it,” Megan said, laughing.

Grant frowned and she wasn’t sure what that was about, then he smiled. “I didn’t realize Garrett was in here talking to everyone. But you know we do love to talk to our staff.”

“You do,” she said.

Grant watched the two of them eating and eying each other, then turned. “Looks like Garrett is waving me over. Enjoy your lunch.”

She turned to see Garrett in the doorway flagging Grant down. “Wonder what that was about?”

“With those two? I’m sure it’s feeling you out,” Megan said. “It’s just funny they both did it at the same time. I wonder who they might have in mind for you.”

“No one,” she said. “You’re nuts.”

“I don’t think so,” Megan said. “But you keep telling yourself that if you want.”

“What is going on?”Grant asked him when he made his way across the cafeteria. “You’re waving like you’re trying to land a plane.”

“Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t want to have you blow it.”

“Blow what?” Grant asked.

“I was talking to them earlier. I wanted to check in with Megan in regards to Jonah and since Chloe was there I figured it was a two for one.”

“And?” Grant asked. “Did you get anywhere?”