The lab reports leave a big, fat question mark over the entire affair. I feel untethered, lost in the sense that Malloy Manor is working to unravel the secrets Howard built around himself, the secrets that had kept me safe as his child ghost.

This is beyond my ability to puzzle out, and it’s not something I can call Antony to get answers from the underground. No, this needs Eli Hart and his Sherlock Holmes orgasm face, Eli who always has the uncanny ability to look right through a problem and see into the messy, broken heart of it. From the way Noah’s poring over the papers with an obsessive film over his eyes, I know he’s thinking the same thing.

But Eli isn’t here, and I’ve got a dangerously deteriorating Noah Marlowe on my hands. As Noah rereads those lab reports in Howard Malloy’s secret box, I see my own madness reflected in him – he needs an outlet for his rage or it will consume him.

Even though I’m curious about what it all means, I know this isn’t time for puzzling. I drag Noah into the ballroom and toss a sword at him.

“Go on.” I heft my own sword and face him, my feet spread, my fingers loose, feeling the weight of the weapon. “Raise your sword.”

“I’m not going to fight you, Claudia.” Noah manages to sound both derisive and faintly amused.

“Suit yourself.” I swing my sword at his head, not holding anything back. Noah yells as he ducks, throwing his weapon in the air to meet mine with a CLANG. He’s caught me on the wrong part of the blade, and the momentum throws off his balance. His boot catches the edge of the coffee table, and he staggers backward. I wind against his blade and bring my pommel up, slamming it into his cheek.

“Jesus fuck!” Noah yells as he throws his sword down and grabs his face. “You’re crazy. That fucking hurt. You could have taken off my head with that blade.”

“Damn right. You want to play in my world? You want to sit around in my house and talk about killing your father and getting revenge for your brother? Then grow some testicles. It’s all words. It means jack shit unless you’re willing to draw blood for your convictions.” I flick a knife from my wrist. “You don’t know what we’re up against, or what it’s going to take to bring them down.”

His hands ball into fists. “You know nothing about me.”

“Then surprise me, Marlowe.” I tap the tip of my sword against my toe. “On your feet.”

Noah drags himself upright, but he doesn’t pick up his sword. He folds his arms across his chest and glares at me with that powerful rage curling. “I’m not fighting you.”

“Why not?” I jeer, tossing aside my own sword and moving closer, fists raised. I throw a punch at his head, but he ducks easily. I pummel him with my fists, but he blocks every punch, his huge arms like brick walls in my way. I go in for an uppercut, and Noah grabs my wrist, twisting my body against his and hemming me in with his bulk. His heart thumps against my skin, and the salt and jasmine scent of him makes my stomach flip. I’m not the only one who finds this hot – I can feel Noah’s hard cock digging into my leg.

He’s fast. Holy fuck he’s fast. Noah Marlowe knows how to fight. But where did he learn? Not the Stonehurst Prep track team, that’s for damn sure.

Well, he never counted on an opponent like me. I reach up and press my lips to his, capturing him in an adrenaline-fueled kiss. My body is alive with the feel of him – all hard muscle pressed against me. Noah moans, attacking my mouth with as much venom as I dish out. As I thrust my tongue deeper into his mouth, I wriggle free of his grip and bring up my knee to get him between the legs.


“Oh, no you don’t,” Noah growls against my lips as he sweeps my leg out from under me. I go down, dragging him with me. My back hits the mat, driving the wind from my lungs. Noah’s on top of me, fighting to pin my hands.

“What the fuck are you doing? I said I won’t fight you.” He breathes hard, his body heaving. Sweat pours down his face, and the demons in his eyes dance on the surface, certain that any moment they’ll be free. Seeing Noah teetering on the edge of control is intoxicating. I wonder how far I can push him, and what I’ll find on the other side.

“Tell me why.” I mean it to be a command, but he has my hands pinned and he’s grinding his cock against my throbbing clit through our jeans, and it comes out more like I’m begging.

“Because I’ll kill you, Claudia.” My real name on his lips is pure poison-laced ecstasy. Noah’s shoulders tense again, and before my eyes I watch him shutter himself against the world, putting all those dangerous emotions back into their tiny boxes. But it’s too late – I’ve seen the dangerous side of him.

Noah flings himself away. He stands above me, his chest heaving, and extends a hand to help me up. His fingers lace in mine and send a shock of electricity through my body. Noah feels it too, because he yanks his arm away. My lips ache with the ghost of his brutality. I rub them with my fingers, and when I draw them back, I see blood.

“Don’t mind me, lovebirds.”

I jump and turn toward the voice. Gabriel grins at me from the designer chair, where he lounges with his feet dangling over the arm, a bowl of popcorn in his lap. He takes a handful of popcorn and shoves it in his mouth. “I’m enjoying the show.”

I pick up my knife and wiggle it in his direction. “Don’t make me come over there.”

“Is that a threat?” Gabriel sets down the bowl and leans forward. There’s a hunger in his eyes as he sweeps over my body, taking in the hard peaks of my nipples visible through my thin t-shirt. “I’m not a fighter. I’m a lover. Although for you I might make an exception.”

Noah growls, low in his throat. Gabriel chuckles. “Relax, Marlowe. I’m not here to rain on your parade, although this is the most violent game of hide the bishop I’ve seen in my long life. Claws and I already agreed that I’m cool if she wants to clean out the cobwebs with your womb broom, have a bit of crumpet, take the magic bus to Manchester, stick the llama’s head up the lift shaft, give a hot poultice to your Irish toothache…”

“What the fuck is he talking about?” Noah splutters.

“You remember our conversation?” I’m shocked Gabriel can remember anything from last night, let alone that he said you’re more than enough for me.

“But of course.” Gabriel winces. “Well, bits of it. My poor noggin is still smarting.”

“You called Noah’s cock a ‘magnificent specimen.’” I manage a smile, even as my stomach twists with nerves. I knew this conversation would happen eventually – I’d hoped to put it off until after we dealt with the gun-toting crazy threatening my life, but I didn’t count on the beautiful train wreck that is Gabriel Fallen. I know how Gabriel feels about me being with Noah, but I can’t see Noah Marlowe being into sharing.