Page 8 of The Mafia Princess

He helped her to stand and then led her out. He caught the look in the pilot’s eyes.

“Go on to the car,” he told her. When she was away from them, he turned to him. “What are you thinking?”

The pilot looked surprised. “I don’t know. There’s just something off about her.”

Remington nodded. “I know. I feel it, too. I’ll figure it out eventually.”

“I hope so because she looks more fragile than she had yesterday.”

Remington shook his hand. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Remington walked to the limo his cousins had sent and stepped into it. Anna was already stuffed against the doorway, as far away from him as she could get.

“Are you afraid of me, Lass?” he asked.

She looked startled. “No, sir.”

“Something scared you, and I want to know what it is.”

She turned her head away. “I don’t know what you mean.”

He gritted his teeth. “I will eventually find out, Lass.”

She glanced at him and nodded before turning away again.

The sunlight coming through her window showed how delicate her facial features were. He couldn’t tell the color of her eyes because of the glasses she wore, but he knew they were big and shaped like a cat’s. Her hair was another thing he’d been unable to see because it was hidden under the piece of cloth she wore. He did know it was black because of her eyebrows and the little hairs that had escaped from whatever tethered it. He might think she was beautiful if it weren’t for the glasses and hair.

Her body shape was another. He could tell she was tiny because of how thin her arms were, but she wore an ugly maid’s uniform that covered everything. The brown color washed out her already pale features.

She ignored him as he studied her, and he could tell she knew he was staring but chose to pretend he wasn’t there. She’d find out that he would not be disregarded, and he’d learn every secret she had.

Chapter Five

Remington looked out the window when the car slowed and pulled into the long driveway.

Jesus, the house still looked monstrous to him. As a child, when he’d visited, he’d thought it was a magnificent castle. He looked to see how Anna was reacting to all the armed guards, but it didn’t seem to affect her at all. It was like she was used to it. Maybe it was from working in the castle in Malta? Yet another question he had.

The door opened, and he stepped out and scanned the area before reaching back for Anna.

She stood silent and followed a few steps behind him. The front door opened, and he grinned. The butler never seemed to age.

“It’s good to see you, Master Maclean.”

“It’s good to see you, too, Martin. Do you think since I’ll be living here now, you’ll call me by my first name?” Remington asked.

The butler’s lips twitched. “Of course, Master Remington.”

Remington chuckled. “Fine. I can deal with that.”

“Master Alastair is in his office waiting for you.”

“I’ll go see him now.” He turned to look for Anna. “This is Anna. She’s my personal valet, so I’ll need her in the same suite as me.” If Martin was surprised, he didn’t show it. It still confounded him why his father demanded he have Anna with him and why get a lass from Malta instead of Scotland. She was to stay with him until he was settled and then fly back to Malta. His father dodged every question he had, but he would find out eventually.

“I’ll take care of it right now.”

He started walking to Alastair’s office and turned to see Anna still by the door.