She hissed. “You’re being unreasonable.”
“Probably. Let’s go to sleep because I want us to plan a trip to Scotland so you can meet my father. He’s anxious to get to know you.”
She sighed. “I would love to meet him, too.”
He pressed a kiss to the back of her head. “Night, Love.”
Chapter Nineteen
“It looks so different here,” Aryanna said as she stared out her car window. There were so many stone walls and miles of fields. Everything was so bright and colorful.
“We’re just about there,” Remington stated.
“You missed this, didn’t you?”
“Yes. We’ll come back to visit a few times a year, but I’d like to live in the United States. There are so many more opportunities there.”
“That’s fine. I don’t mind as long as we’re together.”
“Are you going to miss Malta?”
“Yes, but it would be too dangerous until my father is taken care of.”
“Do you ever think about being the Queen?” he asked.
“Oh, God, no.”
He laughed.
“I’ll do whatever I can for the people, but I don’t want to rule the country.”
“I understand that. Now look.”
They drove around a curve.
“Oh, my God. Is that a castle?” she asked.
He chuckled. “Some of the locals call it that.”
“It’s huge. How old is it?”
“It’s been in my family since the 1700s.”
They pulled into a long drive and parked next to other vehicles in front of a long garage.
He got out, came to her side, helped her out, and then wrapped an arm around her waist. They walked up some curved stone steps and into a huge kitchen.
An older woman squealed and raced toward them. Remington laughed and hugged the woman. She was shorter than Aryanna, very robust, and had the prettiest sweet face she had ever seen.
“Anna, I’d like you to meet Helena. She makes the best haggis around.”
“Oh, poo,” Helena said. “That hasn’t been in the house since you puked it up, making your father do it too. He used to like it before that.”
She grinned when she watched the two poke at each other.
“I meant she used to make the best haggis,” he said and grinned. “Helena, I’d like you to meet my love, Anna.”