“There she is,” Remington said. He was surprised he was able to talk because she took his breath away in her white dress.
Tony followed her for a few minutes until she ducked into a room.
“What’s that room?” Remington asked.
Alastair smiled. “That’s my dad’s old office that he rarely uses anymore.”
“Show me.”
Remington patted Tony’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
“No problem. Good luck.”
Remington grinned.
Alastair showed him the room.
“There it is. What should I tell the family?”
Remington wiped a hand down his face. “Hell. Tell them we’ll be there shortly.”
“Good enough,” Alastair said and walked off.
Remington counted to ten before silently opening the door. At first, he didn’t see her, and then the desk chair moved a little. The back was so big she was invisible. He bit his lip when he heard her mumbling.
“I’m stupid,” Aryanna said. “I’m a stupid princess.”
He heard her sigh when he stepped closer.
“I’m hiding like a child,” she whispered.
“You’re not a child, Love,” he said.
She screamed and twirled around in the chair, almost falling out of it.
“How did you find me?”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “There’s surveillance all over. I had the security guy, Tony, track you. Do you want to tell me why you’re hiding from your soon-to-be husband?”
She looked down at her hands. “Because I don’t remember you asking and me saying yes.”
He walked around the desk, bent to pick her up, sat down, and placed her on his lap. He cuddled her against his chest.
“I’m sorry, Love. I tricked you a bit because I was afraid you’d say no.”
She tipped her head back to look up at him. “I wouldn’t have said no.”
He caressed her cheek with the tip of a finger. “Even after you found out the wedding was today?”
“I might have suggested you give me time to organize a wedding.”
“From what I understand, my cousins are really good at putting together a wedding in hours.”
She nodded. “That’s what the girls said.”
“Were they happy with theirs?” he asked.
“Yes. They said they were.”