Aryanna felt tears fill her eyes. “Why do I feel like this will be the last time I see you?”
Lucile tried to smile, but Aryanna could see the emotion she was trying to hide.
The older woman hugged her. “Let God decide the future, and remember he has a plan for everything.”
Aryanna nodded, but it didn’t make her feel better. This was the only friend and home she ever had. It would be gut-wrenching to lose it all.
Chapter Two
Aryanna held tight to her satchel as she waited by the plane’s pilot. Even after everything Lucile told her, she was still clueless about how to act, so she planned to act meek and never look him in the face. The eyeglasses the maid gave her to wear had a tint to them that would hide the light-blue color of her eyes to a point, but they were still unusual enough to get attention.
If she was quiet enough, she might just be invisible to him.
“There they are,” the pilot said.
She nodded and studied the two limos that pulled up. Several men got out. A few pulled bags from the cars and brought them to the plane while a small group stood talking.
She somehow knew that the bigger man was the one she’d have to deal with, which made her stomach tighten with dread. His demeanor spoke of an alpha male who needed to control everything and everyone around him—much like her father—but her father hadn’t had the male attraction this man did.
Aryanna could tell the man, Remington, was getting impatient and started her way. Her chin went down, and she stiffened when his shoes came into view.
“You must be the maid my father sent for me?”
She nodded. His Scottish burr was more pronounced than she expected, and she had to concentrate on his words to understand him.
“What’s your name, Lass?”
“Ar … Anna, sir.”
“All right, Anna. I want you to stay out of my way. Just keep our room clean and my things organized, and I’ll call on you if I need you. Do you think you can do that?”
“Yes, sir.” That actually sounded wonderful to her.
“Let’s get moving.” Remington turned to the group of men trying to get his attention and held up a hand. “Enough. If you feel it’s important, send me an email.”
Remington turned without another word and climbed the stairs into the plane. The men stared at her.
“You might want to get on the plane, Miss,” the pilot said.
“Oh, yes.”
She scrambled on and walked to the very back area. The plane was very luxurious and resembled a plush living area. There were a few reclining chairs up front, sofas and a kitchenette in the middle, and then more reclining chairs at the back.
The small plane she’d ridden on to get there had been anything but luxurious. Even the seats were hard and uncomfortable. These would be much better.
She took the furthest seat back and closest to the window. She jumped when the pilot came on the loudspeaker.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please get your seat belts on. We’ll be taking off in the next few minutes.”
She set her bag on the seat next to her and buckled herself in. When the plane started moving, her nails dug into the arms of the seat. This would be the second time she’d ever flown, the first being in the last few hours, and it was more nerve-racking than she thought it would be. The first flight had been a smaller plane that took her to the Scotland airport.
Her stomach dropped when the plane tilted up and then flew into the sky. She was almost nauseous, watching the land grow smaller as each second passed.
The pilot’s voice came over the speakers again. “We are at flying altitude at thirty thousand feet. You may take your seat belts off. We will fly into New York in eleven hours.”
Oh, God. She hadn’t realized she’d be stuck on the thing for that long. She’d brought a few books and her journal so she would have things to do, but she also hoped she’d get some sleep.