Page 28 of The Mafia Princess

“No, I think you’d be a great one.”

“You know I’d take care of you. I apologized for starving you at the beginning.”

She gritted her teeth in frustration. “I’m not saying you wouldn’t take care of me.”

“Good. For a second, I thought you were going to say no,” he said.

She had the feeling he was trying to confuse her. “Can we talk about this tomorrow, please?”

“That’s fine, Love.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll go brush my teeth.”

She watched him walk away, and she had the strangest feeling that he was talking about something different than she was. She knew he talked about marriage after they knew more about each other, but he spoke as if it would happen soon.

God, maybe she was more tired than she thought. She walked to the sofa and looked around for her clothes.

“Hey, Remington. Did you see my pajamas anywhere?”

He walked out of the bathroom while brushing his teeth. “No. I bet the maids took them to get washed. Just wear what you have on. It covers you from your shoulders to your knees like a gown.”

“I guess I’ll have to.”

She made her bed, crawled in, and got comfortable. The chill in the air made her burrow under the covers.

“The bed is big enough for both of us, Love.”

“No. That’s fine.”

“I understand you’d like to be married first.”

She looked over her shoulder to see him sitting on the side of the bed facing away from her, taking off his watch. She studied his back and had the urge to run her hands over him. His shoulders were wide, and his skin was a few shades darker than hers. He was very strong, and she was amazed at how safe she felt with him.

The light turned off.

“Good night, Love.”

“Good night.” She closed her eyes and slept.

An hour later, she woke up shivering with her teeth chattering. God, it felt like winter in the room. She got up to get another blanket from the closet and didn’t find one. Damn, she thought there had been a few more. She could get dressed, but the thought of sleeping in her clothes made her cringe.

“Babe, I can tell you’re cold by the way your teeth are chattering. Come here. You can wrap your blanket around you. Let me get you warm before your teeth shatter.”

She couldn’t think of another idea, so she crawled up on the mattress into the middle of the bed, where Remington held the blankets up. She rolled on her side, facing away from him.

He laid the blanket over her and then pressed his body against her back. The heat from his body immediately took the cold away, and she felt his body heat seep into her pores.

God, she could really get used to this.

Chapter Twelve

He grinned an hour later when he heard her complain and her teeth snapping together. It was still dark, with only a bit of light coming through the drapes, so he couldn’t see her, but she could get around without running into something. Now, he just had to act blasé and invite her into bed with him.

It happened quicker than he thought, but feeling the chill of her skin, he understood she had to be very uncomfortable.

Fuck, when he finally had her beside him, he felt calm and peaceful like he never had before. He pressed his nose to the back of her head and inhaled her sweet scent. Although it relaxed him, it made him horny as hell at the same time. “How are you doing, Love?”