Page 24 of The Mafia Princess

“You boys keep finding women you want to be tethered to you, so I’m assuming you’ll want to marry her soon.”


“It’s a way to protect her and keep her with you,” Graham said.

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

“When you decide, we can have a wedding put together in a day,” Angus said. “We’re getting good at it.”

Remington grinned because he’d been told how his cousins had gotten married. “I’ll think about it. Right now, I need to call my father.”

“Tell him we said hello, and I’ll call him later,” Angus said.

“I will.”

“You can use my office,” Graham said.

“Thank you.”

Remington closed the door behind him and sat in the chair. He dialed his father’s number and waited.

“Hey, it’s my boy,” James, his father, bellowed.

Remington laughed. “Yes, Father. How’s everything going there?”

“Fine, fine. I’ve been anxious to hear about the businesses you’ve looked at.”

“Is there something else you’re curious about?” Remington asked.

There was quiet on the other end.


“Oh, yes. How’s it going with the valet?” James asked.

“You mean Princess Aryanna?”

Another bit of silence.

“What is going on?” Remington asked.

“It’s a long story, son.”

“Give me a brief version.”

James sighed. “I got some information that Princess Aryanna was in danger.”

“How do you even know her?”

“I’ve known her since she was born. We never had any face-to-face, but I’ve always gotten pictures and news about her.”

A sick thought sprang into his head. “Father, is she your daughter?”

“Oh, goodness, no. I wish but no. There is no blood between you.”

Remington relaxed. “Keep going?”

“I’ve done business with Antonio, Aryanna’s father, for years. The man has said some things over the last year that concerned me enough to get her away from there.”