Anna nodded and took his hand.
“We’ll see you at dinner,” Alastair said.
Remington nodded and pulled her along behind him. When he got to his room, he shut and locked the door, leaned against it, and crossed his arms over his chest.
She walked a few steps away and then turned, crossing her own arms over her chest.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Her hair was pure black and had a blue tint when the light shone on it. It also fell to her hips. Her eyes also drew him, but he almost felt hypnotized by them. They were the lightest blue he’d ever seen and looked almost crystal in the bright light.
“Why the disguise?”
She went through everything her father said and did.
“Talk about the bruises.”
“The night in the hotel, a man wearing a stocking cap broke into my room and hit and kicked me. He told me he was there for you because of me. I was too scared, so I didn’t ask questions. He said he’d find me again and then…”
He hated to see the anguish on her face. “And then?”
“He would show me how a real man would be. I’m sure he was talking about … you know.”
He nodded. “And then he ran out?”
She nodded.
“What did you do?”
I barricaded the door with everything I was able to move in front of it.”
“Did you hear when I came in?”
“Then, why didn’t you come to tell me?”
“I didn’t know if you’d believe me at first, and then I thought you might send me back to my father.”
“That’s never going to happen,” he said.
“The girls said I need to tell you who I am.”
He nodded. “Okay.”
She took a breath as if to brace herself.
“I’m Princess Aryanna de Cardona of Malta.”
Jesus. A fucking princess. “And your father sent you with me without protection?”
She nodded. “Yes. I don’t know what he is planning.”
“We’ll find out.”
“You’re not freaked out?” she asked.
“No, not really. You’re still my Anna. I don’t care where you came from or your title. You’re still just a beautiful woman.”