Brick nodded and lay back down.
Hawk dialed the phone and waited. When a sweet voice answered, he couldn’t help smiling.
“Would this happen to be Striker’s old lady?”
There was a pause. “Um, yes. I suppose you could call me that.”
His grin widened. One of his close friends, Striker, was the Viper Crew’s prez, and his woman was Kristina. She was unlike any other woman he’d ever known, and he could sit all day talking to her or just watching. She was incredibly fun to tease and was the cutest thing when she got mad.
“This is Hawk, honey.”
Another long pause.
“Oh, well, I’m sure you would like to talk to Striker.”
He chuckled. “Eventually. How about you tell me how you’re doing?”
“Oh, um, fine. How about you?”
She was always so damn polite, even when she was pissed.
“I’m very well, thank you for asking,” he said.
He had to bite his lip when he heard her growl.
“How about I get Striker for you?”
“That would be fine, honey. But I’ll see you soon because I’m pretty sure we’ll be coming to visit in the next few days.”
He couldn’t hold back his laugh when he heard her say, “Yay me,” before she set the phone down.
“This is Striker.”
“Hey, man,” Hawk said.
“Awww, it’s you, I wondered why my old lady was in a tizzy.” Striker laughed.
“She lets you call her that now?” Kristina hated the name “old lady.”
“She doesn’tletme do anything. If I want to call her that, she’ll have to get used to it.”
“If you don’t watch it, you’ll be sleeping on the sofa, and then no sex for you.”
Striker laughed. “Naw, that’s one of the benefits of having your own woman—you get her anytime you want, and know she hasn’t been touched by another man, and it’s your duty to fuck her out of her pout.”
Hawk chuckled. That didn’t sound too bad to him. He’d been sick of fucking whores for a long time because it grossed him out to know another man had just finished with her.
“So why did you call?” Striker asked.
Hawk went over everything that happened the night before.
“And you’re thinking of bringing her here?” Striker asked.
“Yes. I think it’s the safest place for her. I haven’t gotten her whole story, but I’m guessing she’s running from someone.”
“Bring her here. I’ll have Kris and the girls help her. What are you and your men going to do?”
“We’re not sure. I know we’re getting too old to stay on the road.”