She looked at him. “You wouldn’t happen to have a hammer on you, would you?”
“Why?” Hawk asked.
“I want to destroy their bikes.”
“Lady, they’re not going to need them any longer, so it’s a waste of time.”
It took her a moment to understand. “They’re dead?”
The guy nodded.
She thought she should feel some remorse, but she couldn’t. The world was a better place without them.
“Good. Thank you.”
She knew she had surprised them.
“Let’s go, tiger,” Hawk said, pulling her toward another bike. He got on and then held out a hand. “Come on.”
She exhaled and took his hand. She got settled behind him.
“Hold onto me.”
She’d be unable to hold her ripped shirt together and him at the same time.
“Emily,” Hawk said impatiently.
She let go of her shirt and wrapped her arms around his waist. Hell, the man was solid like a rock, had no fat on him, and smelled like the wind and pine trees. Way nicer than the other men smelled. She gagged a few times at the sweaty, sour smell that came off all four of them.
The motorcycle started, making her jump. A squeak fell from her mouth when he took off, and she had to tighten her arms around him.
Within minutes they were pulling up to a fairly decent motel. The men all parked.
“How many rooms, Boss?”
“Get four with doubles if they have them.”
“You got it.”
Hawk reached back. “Take my hand and let me help you off.”
She did and would have fallen if he hadn’t caught her. She hated how weak she was. She struggled to stay on her feet and simultaneously hold her shirt together.
“Easy. I’ve got you.”
He kept a hand on her while one of his men got them rooms.
“Hey, man, there’s a hamburger place down the road. How about I go get us some food?” one of the men said.
“Sounds good. Get some sugary, caffeinated pop for her.”
The man got back on his bike. “You got it. I’ll be right back.”
Hawk tightened his grip on her when she swayed. If she didn’t sit down in the next few minutes, she was going to face-plant.
“Hey, Boss. I got three doubles and one with a king. That’s all they had left.”
Hawk nodded. “Do any of them have a pullout?”