Page 10 of The Mafia's Desire

“I’m naked?”

“No. We have you in a long, button-down nightgown, and we girls have tried to bathe you the best we can, but there’s still some blood in your hair and on your body.”

Sara felt a cold cloth placed over her eyes.

“We’ve been doing this to keep the swelling down.”

Sara tried again to open her eyes and couldn’t. “How swollen are they? Because I can’t open them.”

“It’s because blood and sweat have glued the lashes together. We’ve tried to wash it off, but it’s stuck on your eyelashes. We didn’t rub at them because we were afraid we’d hurt you.”

Sara raised her arm and bit back a groan when pain radiated down her spine, but she pushed through it, grabbed onto the washcloth over her eyes, and started rubbing her eyelashes.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” Beth asked.

“A little, but I’ll deal with it to be able to see.”

“I’d probably feel the same way. Tell me how I can help,” Beth said.

Sara blinked a few times, and then her eyes focused on the beautiful woman sitting next to her on the mattress.

“You have pretty eyes,” Beth said.

“I was going to say that to you,” Sara said and tried to smile, but it pulled on her split lips, and she needed them to heal. Ethan’s face popped into her head.

“Ethan isn’t here, is he?”

“No. But he checks on you often.”

“I don’t want him to know I’m awake. Just give me a day to get on my feet, and I’ll get out of here.”

“You have no reason to fear Ethan.”

If she could have snorted, she would have. “Who do you think did this?”

“I was told it was a guy named Perkins,” Beth said.

“Yes, one of Ethan’s men said his boss wouldn’t care if he played with me a bit.”

“The guy was a psycho, and Ethan was furious when he found out what that guy did to you.”

“It still doesn’t make any sense. Ethan’s going to kill me, so why bring me here?”

“Who said Ethan wanted to kill you?” Beth asked.

“He did. We discussed how I would prefer to die, and he agreed.”

“He’s not going to kill you. He would never have done that.”

“You weren’t there, Beth.”

“No, but I know him. This family might be scary to most, but the people that live here know they’d never hurt women or children.”

Sara didn’t know what to think.

“How about I get you some food? It will make you feel stronger, and then one of my sisters and I will help you with a shower.”

“I hate putting you guys out.”