Ethan nodded. “You’re damn right I will.”
Thomas grinned. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Chapter Eighteen
Ethan quietly let himself into his bedroom and locked the door behind him. He leaned against it and crossed his arms over his chest. He saw the small pile of clothing folded on top of the bed, which made his stomach tense and his anticipation and anger rise. He’d show her who she belonged to. His heartbeat increased when he heard her in the bathroom.
He couldn’t believe how much he’d fucked up, and he would only admit to himself that he was nervous it would be a fight to keep her.
She screamed as she walked back with an arm full of beauty products.
They stared at each other for a moment.
She looked so fucking good. He loved her in dresses, and the one she had on made her look incredibly feminine.
“Where do you think you’re going, baby?”
She set everything down on the bed beside the pile of clothing. “It’s time I moved on. I’m making you very uncomfortable being here.”
“Uncomfortable?” he asked.
“Yes. You can’t have your women here with me in your room.”
“For one thing, I’ve never had a woman in the house, much less this room. You’re the one and only one that I’d allow.”
“It doesn’t matter. Let me get my clothes…”
One of his brows rose. “You mean the clothes I bought you?”
“No. The clothes I bought myself. You haven’t paid for anything except the food I’ve eaten.”
His brows snapped together. “I gave you a card to use. Did you not receive it?”
“Yes. But I’m not going to let you buy things for me…”
“Letme?” he asked.
Sara crossed her arms over her chest and lifted her chin. “Yes. You don’t have to do anything for me. I’m guessing a lot of your attitude comes from guilt. Well, I don’t blame you for what that man did.”
“I’m pissed about it and want to kill the bastard again, but I don’t feel guilty.”
Sara sighed. “Whatever this is, it’s not working for me. I can’t sit in a room all day by myself and wait for the chance you might come to see me.”
“I’ve been away from my office a lot lately, and I was overloaded with work.”
“I don’t want to pull you away from it. If I’m gone, you can concentrate on it.”
“I’ll still think about you. You’re stuck in my head, baby.”
Sara looked away from him. “I’m sorry. I hope it will go away after I leave.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” he said. He almost smiled when her chin went up again. He liked seeing this spunky side to her personality. There was a lot to learn about each other, and it was going to start now.
He stepped forward and slipped off his suit jacket.
“What are you doing?” she asked nervously.
“I’m getting undressed,” he said as he unbuttoned his shirt.