Sara sat on the sofa with the television, debating on her next course of action. It was midnight on the fourth night she’d been there. Every day was spent sitting in the room and doing nothing but eating, reading, and watching television. Every night she’d gone to bed alone and woke the next morning the same way. She knew he’d been there because of the indent in the pillow, but there were very few other clues besides that.
A few times, he’d left her a quick note telling her to stay in the room, and he’d try to get back at lunch, but it never happened. The maid, Melinda, brought her trays of food and had only been able to stay for a few minutes to talk to her. Otherwise, that was the only human interaction she’d gotten.
The things she ordered had come the day before, giving her something to do for a few hours. She’d only bought a few outfits, dresses, jeans, and some underwear, so it didn’t take long to put them away. She’d splurged on some makeup and bathroom products but otherwise didn’t spend too much. She hadn’t used the card he’d given her because she had enough in her savings and remembered her passwords for the bank she used. It made her feel funny using someone she didn’t know for money. It just didn’t seem right.
One more look at the clock made her stomach tense. She needed to figure out where to go because she wouldn’t stay in the room another day. Her first action would be to go to his office and talk to him. If that didn’t go well, she’d leave.
Her eyes kept closing, so she gave up trying to stay awake and got ready for bed. She had no idea what time it was when she felt him move up behind her in bed and wrap an arm around her waist.
He pressed a kiss to the back of her head, and then nothing. She could understand why he fell asleep so easily. The man was only getting four to five hours of sleep a night.
The next morning, she didn’t have to look to know he wasn’t there. The tears that filled her eyes surprised her. How the hell did she have feelings for the man she never saw and knew nothing about?
Sara showered and dressed. There was a knock on the door as she brushed out her hair. She smiled when she saw Melinda with her breakfast tray.
“Thank you so much.”
“You’re very welcome, Miss Sara.”
“Can you tell me if you’ve been given any instructions having to do with me, besides the food?”
Melinda shook her head. “The kitchen hasn’t heard anything. We’re all wondering when he’ll let you out.”
Sara gritted her teeth. “It’ll be fine. I’ll probably not be here later.”
“Oh, will you be back for dinner?”
“No. I won’t ever be back.”
Sara liked that Melinda looked sad. “I will miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too.”
Sara closed the door behind the maid and finished brushing her hair before she brushed her teeth. All she felt was nausea when she looked at the tray the maid had brought, so she decided to forgo eating.
She took one last look at herself and liked what she saw. She was grateful that there was no bruising left on her skin from the attack. She wore one of the long skirts she’d bought and a lacey top and sandals. It was a very feminine look and the one she was most comfortable in.
She stepped out the bedroom door and looked back and forth. She’d forgotten it was the first time she had ventured out of his room since he brought her there. Now she had to ask where Ethan’s office was or find it herself, so she started hunting for it when she got to the main level.
Ethan had told her it was to the right of the front doors, so she started down that hall. Sara was startled when a beautiful woman came out of one of the rooms.
“May I help you?”
“I’m trying to find Ethan,” Sara said.
The woman looked her up and down and gave her a disgusted look.
“Ethan’s whores aren’t allowed here. Leave, and I’ll tell him you came.”
“I’m not a whore. What is your name?” Sara asked. She was beyond pissed.
“Brenda. I’m Ethan’s assistant. I take care of everything to do with him. If you know what I mean?”
Sara’s spine stiffened. “Are you talking about sex?”
“I said everything, didn’t I?” Brenda said.
“I still want to talk to him.”