Ethan looked at the time. Fuck. He hadn’t realized it was so late. He was surprised when his assistant scurried into the room with an armload of papers.
“What in the hell are you still doing here at midnight?” he asked.
She stuttered. “Oh, well, you just kept giving me things to do, and I know you were trying to catch up. I couldn’t leave you dealing with it.”
“I’m sorry. I was engrossed in contracts. Go home and take tomorrow off.”
Brenda shook her head. “No, I’ll go home, but I’ll be back tomorrow. We have too much to do.”
“Then at least sleep in,” Ethan said as he straightened up the papers on his desk.
He really didn’t care. His assistant was good, but he could find another one like her or better easily. He’d thought about it before because she seemed to think they were closer than they were. She had overstepped her role as his assistant a few times already. But he didn’t have the time to find and interview other people. He promised himself he would soon.
His mind was on Sara. He’d left her alone all day and hoped she wouldn’t be pissy about it. He was too tired to deal with it.
“Good night,” he said and walked out. He could tell she wanted to reach out to him but pulled her hand away at the last second. She knew better than to touch him without his permission.
He opened his bedroom door to find all the lights off except a lamp on the table by the sofa. On the bed, he saw the covers over Sara, and her head turned away from him. He was glad she was asleep but disappointed that she hadn’t waited for him. It was better this way because he was in no mood for a bitching woman.
Ethan found himself spacing off a few times. She’d been on his mind all day, and it sometimes pissed him off. He felt he could have gotten more done if she hadn’t been there in the house, but the thought of her leaving made him physically sick.
There was no way he’d ever let her go. He’d just have to figure out a way to close her out of his mind when he was working. The thought almost made him laugh. That wasn’t going to happen. He thought about asking one of his cousins how they dealt with it, which made him feel better that he had a plan.
Ethan walked into the bathroom and quietly closed the door. He showered, brushed his teeth, and put on a pair of boxers. Before turning off the light, Ethan noticed the food platter, and his stomach grumbled. He remembered a sandwich on his desk at some time during the day but didn’t know whether he had eaten it or not. She’d hardly eaten anything, and that was something they’d talk about soon. He needed her to get healthy, and she couldn’t do that unless she ate. He sat in one of the chairs and ate until he was full while he studied her soft, beautiful face.
The feeling of having her here in his house, knowing she was just his, made his selfish tendencies manifest into a pure possessive need to dominate every part of her and her life. He knew she’d fight the constricts he put on her at first, but she’d get used to it. She didn’t have a choice.
After finishing the food on the tray, he brushed his teeth again and slid into bed. He pulled her back against him and smiled when she grumbled. He got comfortable and closed his eyes. The feeling of contentment calmed him. Being in her presence was enough, but when he had his hands on her, it was even better. Ethan breathed in her sweet scent, pressed a kiss to the back of her head, and fell asleep.
When he woke up the next morning, Sara was draped over his chest. As much as he wanted to stay in bed, he needed to get to work. When he caught up, they’d be able to cuddle in bed more.
He carefully slipped out from under her and walked into the bathroom. After a quick shower, he dressed and checked on her one more time before leaving the room.
Damn, it seemed to get harder every time he left her.
He walked into the kitchen. Even early in the morning, it was a hive of activity. Dora, the person in charge of the kitchen, came to him.
“Good morning, sir. What can we do for you?”
“Good morning, Dora, I’d like a plate and mug of coffee.”
“Of course, sir.”
“I’d also like a tray taken up to Sara.”
“Melinda will do that. She really likes her.”
“You all will. She’s very sweet and special.”
“I’m so pleased for you. You deserve it.”
He smiled. “Thank you.” When he got to his office, he was surprised to see his assistant, Brenda, there already.
“I thought I told you to take the morning off?” he asked as he walked behind his desk and picked up the notes and messages she’d laid there.
“I couldn’t sleep, sir, so I thought I might as well get things done.”
He nodded but didn’t look up at her. “Fine. If you get tired later, tell me.”