Ethan grinned and wondered what Alastair would say if he heard Martin call him a boy. The butler had been around as long as he could remember and had watched the boys grow up, so he guessed Alastair would put up with a lot more from him than he would most others.
Ethan saw Tony, one of his men, next to a car talking to another man and headed that way.
Tony opened the door when he saw them. “Good morning, Ethan.”
“Good morning. Tony, I’d like you to meet Sara. She’s mine, so I expect everyone to give her the respect I demand and to protect her.”
Tony had seen what had happened to her in the hotel room but didn’t say anything and pretended not to know her.
“It’s nice to meet you. May I call her Sara, sir?” Tony asked Ethan.
Ethan ignored the way she bristled next to him and nodded. “Yes. If it’s all right with her.”
“Yes,” she said.
“Please call me Tony.”
“I will. Thank you.”
Ethan led her into the car and slid in after her. After Tony closed the door behind them, he slipped his arm around her shoulders.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
She looked up at him. “Good.”
“Are you still achy at all?”
“A little but nothing I can’t handle,” she said.
He’d ensure she took a long bath and rested before dinner.
They pulled up to his house, and he watched her expression.
“This is beautiful, Ethan.”
“Thank you. It’s called the Harrison mansion, and it’s been in my family for over a hundred years. My great-great-grandfather built it, and then the ones that came after added on.”
“Was it wonderful to grow up here?”
“My brothers and I actually spent more time at the Macleans. When I turned eighteen, I started staying here most of the time.”
Tony opened the door. Ethan helped her out and then wrapped an arm around her waist.
“Thank you, Tony. It was nice to meet you,” Sara said.
“I think you’ll be seeing me around a lot.”
Ethan nodded. “You will. If you go anywhere, I’ll want Tony to drive you.”
“All right,” she said.
He started them walking and introduced her to a few of his men. There were three long steps and then an elaborate wood door. The man in charge of security, Thomas, stood at the top of the stairs.
“Good morning, sir,” Thomas said.
“Good morning. Thomas, I’d like you to meet Sara. She’s mine.”
“Do you have to say it like that?” Sara asked.