Page 22 of The Mafia's Desire

Chapter Eleven

Ethan turned off the water, wrapped a towel around his waist, walked over to stand in front of the mirror, and surveyed himself. His hair needed trimming, but otherwise, he looked good. Working out kept him in shape, and his face looked less stressed than it had the last few months.

He was shocked to realize he was content. It was an emotion he hadn’t felt before, at least to this degree. Alastair had mentioned how Beth made him feel, and now he understood. When he was with her, he was the most relaxed and happy, and he hadn’t even fucked her yet.

He put some gel on his hands, rubbed them together, and wiped it over his mustache and beard to condition the hair and keep it soft.

After brushing his teeth, he whipped off the towel and pulled on a pair of boxers. He grimaced at the feel. He had always slept naked but didn’t want to push his Sara anymore. A smile crossed his face. His Sara? He’d always thought Alastair was being a pussy calling his womanhis Beth, but now he understood that, too.

He wanted the world to know she belonged to him. Fuck, this feeling should scare the hell out of him but thinking of her just made him feel calm and content. What’s up with that? It would be something to ask his cousins. Right now, his woman was waiting for him, and he was looking forward to holding her all night.

Ethan turned off the lights and walked out of the bathroom. He snorted when he saw Sara close to the edge of the mattress away from him, pretending to be asleep, he guessed. Sliding into the bed, he wrapped an arm around her waist and slid her into the middle of the mattress with her back against his chest.

“Wait,” she said.

“Easy. I’m just going to hold you. I made you a promise I’m not going to break. In fact, how about I say I won’t try to fuck you until you ask me for it?”

She looked over her shoulder in surprise, and if he wasn’t mistaken, disappointment, which made him want to smile.


He nodded. “That doesn’t mean we won’t sleep together, or I won’t touch you because I will. As much as I can.”

“Isn’t that cheating?” she asked.

He grinned. “Not at all. I’ll use everything I can to get you to beg me to fuck you.”

She snorted. “Beg? Really?”

“How about we make a bet?” he said. “If you beg me to fuck you in the next two weeks, I’ll win your total submission.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you’ll do everything I tell you to do.”

He saw her bristle. “And what do I get?”

“What do you want?”

“What if I said I want my freedom?”

He instantly tensed. “That will never happen. Pick something else.” If he really thought she was miserable, he’d let her go, but he saw the desire for him in her eyes and felt how her body softened when he touched her. She was already attached to him, and she just didn’t want to admit it yet. She tried to look stern but failed. He didn’t think this woman had a mean bone in her body.

“How about I get to see the girls whenever I want to?”

Ethan thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “All right. But there has to be a stipulation that you stay home if I feel it’s too dangerous.”

She twisted on her back. “That’s not fair. You’ll do that just to keep me home.”

He grinned. He didn’t think she realized that she was pressed up against him, and his hand covered her breast. As much as he wanted to move it and feel the contours of her tits, he wanted to see how long it took for her to feel him.

“That’s not true. Yes, I’m going to be protective of you, but I’ll think of your feelings.”

He could tell her brain was thinking about the bet and outcome.

“All right. Let’s bet.”

She held out her hand, and he just smiled.