Page 24 of Blood Money

He dropped his hand and stepped back. “Good night.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, I walked away from him.

The second I stepped out of the door, I was pushed. Immediately, I swung my arms to dislodge Mario’s hands from me.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I snarled at my older half-brother, glancing around to make sure my mom wasn’t somewhere nearby. The last thing she needed was the reminder that in the first year of their marriage, my dad had been unfaithful.

“Giacomo wanted to see me.” He lifted his chin and crossed his arms over his chest. “What dear old Granddad wants, he gets.”

“Enjoy.” I shrugged, but he grabbed my shoulder as I tried to walk away and spun me to face him.

“What the fuck do you want?” I glared, not wanting to talk to him. If he wanted to suck the old fucker’s dick for brownie points, that was on him. I didn’t give a shit.

“Who was the chick I saw you with at the pier?”

My teeth clenched, and my muscles bunched before I forced myself to relax. “No one.”

“Hmm, didn’t look like no one. What’s the matter? Afraid she’ll lose interest in you if she met me?” The smug look on his face pissed me the fuck off. I hated him. He’d fucked the last two girls I dated, which was why I’d decided I didn’t want to date anymore.

Until Kendall, anyway.

But I didn’t want him anywhere near her.

“Fuck no. Besides, it ain’t like that. She’s the cousin of a friend. I told him I’d show her ass around. It was whatever,” I lied, trying to play it off. He was like a shark—if he smelled blood, he’d attack.

“That so?”

“Yeah,” I replied with an eye roll and sneer.

“So you wouldn’t care if I made a play for her?”

My stomach cramped, and I wanted to rage. The thought of him touching her made me want to slam my hand into his face until I caved it in. Instead, I shrugged and kept my expression bored and bland. “Suit yourself, but she’s a fucking kid. Little young for your tastes.”

He stared into my eyes as if he could see into my mind. His smirk made my heart race as adrenaline surged through me, wanting to explode as I beat the fuck out of him. Then he leaned in and whispered, “Maybe I like them young so I can break them in right.”

Between my grandfather’s bullshit and now Mario’s, I was ready to hit someone. If he laid one finger on her, I’d kill him.

“Whatever, man. Now fuck off. I gotta call Sierra.” Sierra was a chick who worked at Walgreens. She was a bitch, but if Mario thought I had interest in her, he’d zero in, and they fucking deserved each other.

The flare of interest that lit his gaze confirmed I’d thrown him off the scent.

Without another word, I pretended to be texting on my phone and walked away.

Once I was out of sight, I shoved it in my pocket and took the stairs up to my room two at a time. I dropped to the bed and rested my elbows on my knees. Gabriel had moved out, so I now had our room to myself. Truth be told, I missed him and the nights we would lie awake talking about how things would be “when we’re grown-ups.” So far, we were very wrong. I didn’t feel like I had control of myself and my life just because I was eighteen.

My phone vibrated, and I pulled it out. At the little message bubble on my lock screen, I grinned.

Kendall: I LOVE THIS PHONE! Thank you so much for running into me and being an awesome guy!

Me: My pleasure

Though if she really knew me, I doubted she would think I was an awesome guy. Mafia son, drug dealer, and more. With a sigh, I shoved down my self-recriminations and decided I would enjoy my summer with her, and then I’d have to let her go. And I’d have to find a way to keep her away from Mario in the meantime.

Kendall: Are you sure I can’t pay you for part of it? You still had to buy your phone

Me: No way.

Kendall: Please? I don’t feel right