Page 16 of Blood Money

“Again, I don’t really know you.”

“But you said I’m a friend of your cousin, right? And he’d kick my ass if I was a douche.”

The cutest little huff left her full lips, and I wanted to lean closer to kiss her, but that was no way to earn her trust. And for some reason, I really wanted her to trust me. Which was probably pretty stupid because she was only sixteen. If her parents or grandma decided to call the cops, it would get ugly, and I didn’t want that for her.

“Fine. But you tell me where we’re going, and I’m pulling up Luciano’s number. If you try anything funny, I’m calling.”

“You’ll see. It’s asurprise. And feel free to call him and tell him you’re with me.” Though I really hoped she didn’t, because there was a good chance he’d get pissed and tell me to stay the fuck away from her.

She appeared to think about it for a while. Finally, she nodded. “Okay, let’s go, but I have to be back by ten.”

“Absolutely.” I held out my arm for her to hold on to it, and she slipped her hand through the crook of my elbow. Her soft touch was like ten thousand volts hitting me at once, and my heart stuttered. If I wasn’t mistaken, I thought she gave a sharp inhale at the same time.

Fuck, she shouldn’t trust me.

We took the L train, then the bus to Navy Pier.

“You’re taking me to Navy Pier?” she asked excitedly as we exited the bus. Again, she hooked her hand on my arm, and again, she stole my breath with her touch.

“Not just Navy Pier,” I said mysteriously.

She cocked a dark red brow and smirked. “Oh really?”

“Mm-hmm,” I hummed.

When we got to Centennial Wheel, she practically squealed. I’d ordered the tickets online as we traveled the train, hoping she would like it. I wasn’t disappointed.

“Can we ride after it gets dark?” she begged, practically bouncing on her toes. “I’ve always wanted to ride after it’s dark.”

“I’ll tell you what. We ride now, and I’ll take you again before we leave.”

She gaped. “Twice?”

I wanted to tell her I’d do anything for her, but that was dumb because I really didn’t know her. Yet some weird part of me felt like I’d been waiting for her all this time. “Yeah, twice.”

“But that’s a lot of money,” she whispered, a pinch forming between her brows.

“It’s okay. I think you’re worth it,” I admitted with a wink, trying to act like I was playing and my insides weren’t being battered by the millions of butterflies slamming around in there.

In her excitement, she squeaked and threw her arms around my neck. It pressed her soft breasts against my chest, and I instinctively wrapped my free arm around her to steady us. We both froze, and our rapid breathing matching each other’s before we broke apart—her quickly and me reluctantly.

I cleared my throat. “Well, shall we?”

By the time we got on the car, she was about to explode. “Can you believe we got our own car?” she excitedly whispered.

“Great timing, I guess,” I replied with a grin and a shrug. The fifty I handed the guy didn’t hurt either.

She was so preoccupied with staring out the window that she hadn’t thought to ask about the gift I had for her. In the enclosed car, the fragrant blooms filled the air. While I had her as a captive audience, I tapped her on the shoulder.

“Yeah?” she asked as she turned her head to face me.

I held up the bag.

Her mouth dropped open, and I moved it closer to her until she took it gently before burying her nose in the blooms. “They smell amazing,” she gushed with her eyes closed and a serene smile.

“Look in the bag,” I whispered, my hand cupped at the side of my mouth.

Her brows drew together, and she lifted the flowers out. I held my hand out to hang on to them.