Page 2 of Educating Keryn

Well, she’s basically a tall glass of perfect blonde bombshell with enough brains to know how to work it.

“Ker, where are you going?”

I turn just before I push open the door and find her standing a few paces back. “Home?” I suggest doubtfully.

She shakes her head. “I have a date to keep with Mr. Maximum.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “His office after class? Honestly, did you even notice the way he was looking at me? Talk about a stand-in teacher. He can stand in for a lot more than Dr. Heathfield if I have anything—”

“OK, OK,” I interrupt, crossing the hall back to her. “Let’s go. Not that I know why you need me.”

The way he was looking at her?

I thought he was looking at me…was I wrong? One of us was wrong, and it does make a lot more sense that he was distracted by Cyn than by me. I mean, look at her, like some sort of goddess of style and grace, while I’m…

Well, I’m me. No excuses, but nobody has ever been distracted by me.

“Are you kidding me?” she laughs. “You’re the lookout while I lay back on his desk and drizzle my bare tits with chocolate sauce.”

God, the pictures that’s putting in my head. The thought of doing it, of laying myself out like that for him, of allowing myself to be that vulnerable. It’s now all I can think of.

“You won’t,” I mutter, and Cyn rolls her eyes.

“Obviously. Where would I get the chocolate sauce? But there’s nothing wrong with fantasizing. No, the plan is, I unfasten this button.” She smirks as she pops her shirt open. “And this one. And then from now on he’s so busy thinking about what’s on the menu he accidentally bumps my grades up a notch. Honestly, it works so well with Mr. Butler. I’ve told you about him before, right? Media?”

I nod. I’m not taking media, my focus is completely on the software programming side of things.

“Such a lecherous old man,” Cyn continues with an eye roll. “I swear I’m only smart enough for a D at best, but I’m averaging a B. He’s a law suit waiting to happen but what do I care? That’s the school’s problem. If I gave him a flash of my panties he’d probably keel over. Maybe I should, then Max could take over that class as well.”

She giggles and spins to face me, and I try to smooth out the frown I can already feel etching lines into my face for when I’m older.

“What’s up, Keryn?” she asks, stopping dead. “You look like you’re trying to pass wind.”

What’s up?

I liked the fantasy, that’s what’s up. And without meaning to she’s stolen it from me.

“Nothing,” I say, shaking my head. “Just, I need to pass this year, you know? I’m way behind on studying and I can’t concentrate on anything. If I fail, that’s it.”

Cyn is immediately by my side, wrapping her arm over my shoulders and leaning her head in to mine. “Things no better with your grandpa?”

I shake my head. “If anything, he’s worse. Aunt Lydia is doing what she can, but she wants to sell the house and put him in a nursing home.”

“This is the weird aunt who disapproves of girls going to college?”

“She isn’t weird, she’s lovely. She’s just…”


“I was going to say old fashioned.”

Cyn sighs as she starts walking again, pulling me along with her so we’re not stood in the middle of the corridor. “Same thing, sweetie.”

“I’m worried about Tabby. Grandpa will make sure she uses her inheritance for college, like Mom wanted, but if she ends up living with Lydia I know she’ll talk her out of it.”

“Would she take the money away from your sister?”

I shake my head. “No. I don’t think so. But she’s persuasive and Tabby’s…not that strong. You met her, you know.”

“Maybe she has hidden depths.”

“She does for sure, just not when it comes to telling people no.”

“It will work out,” Cyn says. “Things always do. You need to concentrate on you and make sure you pass. You do that, you’ll be in a fantastic job this time next year and even your aunt will have to admit college is no bad thing.”

I nod. She’s right. It’s just easier said than done when I have all this hanging over me.

“Right,” she says, stopping outside Dr. Heathfield’s office. Max’s office now. “Wish me luck. Hair up or down?”

She grabs her hair in a fist, pulling it into a tail behind her and raising one eyebrow.

And for a moment, I just gawp. All I can think about is Max pulling on my hair like that, tilting my head back, forcing me to open my mouth, tongue lolling, ready to lick and suck and…

I shiver, forcing myself back under control and reminding myself that Cyn is my best friend and I want her to pass in the best way for her.