Was I a fool to believe any of this could actually last?
Chapter 13 - Cooper
“I’m just telling you, my friend, the room’s yours.”
I feel like I’m talking circles around Taj. “And I very much appreciate that, but like I said, the situation is—”
“Different, yes, I have ears, but need I remind you, my dear friend, that you are the one who came to me not a handful of nights ago in desperate need of a room-room. Half the Sunnyview cleared out overnight, and I’m able to more than accommodate the cutie now.”
If my face was any redder right now … “Taj, I’m not looking for a ‘room-room’ anymore. I never was. I needed a room for Seany to stay in, and—”
“Oh, what a precious name.”
My jaw tightens. “But I have since decided to let him stay at my place. Things are different now.”
“Different.” Taj squints skeptically at me. “Are we on the same page, dear Cooper? It feels as if we are reciting passages from very different books.”
“Then let me be as clear as possible: Thank you. You are a good friend. The room is appreciated. However, it is not needed anymore. The boy is staying with me.”
“Under your protective wing. You’re his daddy now. I get it. I heard the fairytale.” Taj sighs. “But boys grow up, dear Cooper.”
I stare at him, lost. “Grow up?”
“It’s the last week of Pride. There are boys aplenty all over town. How are you going to support his needs when he wants to bring one home? That tiny one-bedroom house of yours is really going to accommodate him? Where will they make babies? Your bed? Kick you out onto your own couch so they can have private boom-boom time? This is a fairytale you’re spinning, Cooper, and I say this with love and concern for your wellbeing. For all your age, you are still so very young in your mind, believing in such dreams. The kid needs his independence.”
“I know that,” I snap.
Taj’s eyes go big.
I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for. I’m not a frail little doily.” He gives me a brisk pat on the shoulder. “The room will be there tonight. Likely all week. You have my number if you change your mind. Now if you’ll excuse your dear friend, he is going to sample a seafood stand he’s been eyeballing all night. It’s anyone’s guess whether I’m eyeballing the food or the adorably-dressed vendor. Best of luck to you.” He strolls away with that, leaving me on the curb.
I shouldn’t have snapped at Taj. I know he’s trying to help, and he’s giving me exactly what I asked for.
Still, something about this night has my nerves feeling wire-tight. Like I’m doing it all wrong. Like I’m making the biggest mistake of my life.
The more I think about encouraging Sean’s freedom and independence, the more I cling.
I’ve never been so conflicted about anything.
I turn. Sean has returned from his pee break. He looks so cute in his new pastel beach shirt, half unbuttoned with a tank underneath, and matching shorts. It takes everything in me not to just scoop him up in my arms and race home with him, breaking all of my own principles and claiming him as mine.
Then I notice the Toby kid standing a few paces behind him. He waves. “Hey there! I don’t think we have officially met, despite coming to your bar a few times, but I’m—”
“Toby, of course.” I shake his hand. “Whenever there’s a new citizen, word gets around fast.” I notice Sean keeps glancing over his shoulder back at the corner store, arms crossed tightly over his chest. He seems antsy. “I know all my customers who come in for everything but the alcohol.”
Toby chuckles. “Yeah, not quite old enough, yet.”
“Don’t pretend like you haven’t drank before,” I tease Toby while keeping an eye on Sean, who can’t stand still.
“Just a sip here and there, I swear! I’m not really a fan. My boyfriend loves wine. Apparently his mom has a whole cellar situation happening back home in Spruce. Speaking of which, I’d better go check on Vann. I left him alone at his table. We haven’t sold much.” Toby pouts, then nudges Sean, who snaps out of his restless daze. “Come stop by our table when you got a minute, alright? I want you to see how fucking cool Vann’s stuff is.”
Sean nods too quickly. “Yeah, of course, great.” He pastes on a tightened smile. “Will do.”
“See y’all later!” Toby gives us both a vague wave, then hurries off back down the street.
Before I can say anything, Sean takes the stick of blue cotton candy out of my fingers, hooks his arm into mine, and steers me away down the street like we’re in a hurry. I study the side of his face as he stares into the cotton candy like he’s looking for his future in a crystal ball.