“Are you sure about this?” Mistress Hottalot gave Miri a worried look.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” Miri lifted her chin. “Are the guards ready?”

“They are.” Mistress Hottalot nodded. “But I don’t think it will be a problem.”

“No, it won’t.” Miri looked from left to right. “Ready guys?”

“We’re always ready to protect you, little one,” Saxon growled.

“And to serve in any way you need us,” Lynx purred.

Miri nodded in approval. Both her mates were dressed as bodyslaves in tight black trousers and fake pain collars—a necessary fiction for the time being. She herself was wearing a tight, emerald green dress which plunged low in the front and even lower in the back. There were emerald panties to match but she didn’t intend to be announced in the usual way and have Saxon and Lynx kiss them. She was going to be taking everyone by surprise—at least, that was her intent.

“Now, everyone who’s anyone in Opulex is already in there,” Mistress Hottalot murmured, gesturing to the party going on past the thick black velvet curtains. “And you look fabulous—they’ll be awestruck.”

Miri certainly hoped she was right. A lot was riding on her entrance tonight.

“All right, boys—it’s time to put on a show,” she murmured.

“We’re right behind you, little one,” Saxon assured her and Lynx nodded as well.

“Very well—draw the curtains!” Mistress Hottalot hissed at the servants standing on either side of the black velvet drapes.

They did as she ordered and then, at another wave of her hand, a third servant blew a triumphant fanfare on his large, silver flugelhorn.

The party stopped and Miri was aware that all eyes were on her as she walked into the room, her chin held high and doing her best to look as regal as a queen. She ignored the whispers she heard all around her.

“Look there—it’s Mistress Mirabella, the Ruling Member of the Sacred Seven!”

“I thought she was gone! Didn’t Mistress Bloodmuch say that she’d been taken by space pirates? The Skulls, wasn’t it?”

“Yes—I thought that was the whole reason we were here—to choose a new Ruling Member!”

“I guess that’s off the table now—you can’t choose a new Ruling Member when the old one is still around!”

Miri walked to the center of the room, where the Director of Music was playing the latest in Yonnite tunes. He had an ampli-com and a large 3-D holo projector which was currently displaying a lot of bright colors and shapes which moved in time with the music.

“Excuse us,” Lynx said politely to the Director. “But we’re going to need to borrow your equipment for a moment.”

“What? Impossible! Out of the question!” the man started to protest. In a second, Saxon had him by the front of his fancy gold uniform and was glaring down into his frightened eyes.

“My Mistress needs the use of your equipment,” he growled. “Now—are we going to have any trouble about that?”

“What? Oh…n-no! No, of course not!” the man stammered. “Please—use whatever you like!”

“Thank you.” Saxon nodded at Lynx who made some adjustments and nodded at Miri.

“Ready, my Lady.”

“Thank you.” Miri cleared her throat and the tiny ampli-bug which Lynx had sent to broadcast her voice buzzed around her head and picked up the noise, making it ten times louder. “My fellow Yonnite Mistresses,” she began, aware again that everyone in the room was watching her. “As I understand it, there have been several rumors that I am dead or that I was abducted by space pirates. As you can see, this isn’t the case.”

A ripple of murmurs ran through the crowd of richly dressed Mistresses and their bodyslaves but no one dared to speak up or say anything aloud.

“Possibly those rumors rose from the attempt on my life, made my Mistress Bloodmuch,” Miri continued.

This time the reaction was much stronger. Mistresses were looking at each other with raised eyebrows and talking loudly but it was clear that none of them was very surprised. Mistress Bloodmuch was known to be ruthless in her quest for power and wealth.

And speaking of her adversary, she was pushing her way to the center of the room right now. She was wearing her signature dark purple again with another tall, jeweled headdress bobbing on her head.

“How dare you tell such lies about me?” she demanded when she reached the foot of the platform where Miri stood. “Such slanderous allegations are defamatory to my excellent character! I’ll see you in court!”

“I’d be happy to meet you anywhere you want and repeat what I just said,” Miri said coolly. “Because I happen to have evidence. Lynx?”

Lynx nodded and pressed some buttons on the equipment. At once, the 3-D Holo projector began playing the scene that had taken place in the Honey Pot ship with Captain Furx and his men.

“What is this nonsense? I really must protest!” Mistress Bloodmuch exclaimed. But she was drowned out by the amplified voice of Captain Furx admitting that Mistress Bloodmuch herself had planned the trap and threatening Miri with physical harm if she didn’t transfer her power to the greedy Mistress at once.