“Priming the ship,” Lynx said, working with the control panel. He gave Mirabella a sideways look. “But…are you sure, my Lady? According to the Outernet, males rule supreme on Delphi Prime. You will indeed have to pretend to belong to me and to Saxon if we go there, just as Mistress SpeaksLoud warned you.”

“Well, you two have been pretending to belong to me, haven’t you?” Mirabella said, looking up at both of them. “Don’t you think it’s fair for us to switch places?”

“You don’t understand, my Lady…” Lynx hesitated, trying to think of a delicate way to put it. Then he decided there was no way to break the news gently. “The males on Delphi Prime don’t just own the females—they own sex slaves. And the females on Delphi Prime are expected to act like sex slaves and dress like them too.”

“Oh, uh…what kind of dress would I wear? Would it look worse than this one?” she asked, nodding down at her clinging Mistress dress.

“Considerably worse, I’m afraid. Look…” Lynx pulled up some images of female sex slaves on Delphi Prime.

Saxon whistled.

“Damn! That’s fucking hot!”

“It’s extremely revealing, is what it is,” Lynx said severely. “Our Lady may not wish to display herself in such a manner.”

“Yes, I do,” Mirabella said, surprising him. “Or at least, I want an answer to my question and I don’t care if I have to dress like…like that to get one.” She pointed at the images. “I’ll do whatever it takes to find out who in this whole rotten city is trustworthy enough to leave the fate of the entire planet to.”

Privately, Lynx thought the answer to that question was “no one.” But maybe the Oracle could give them some insight.

“Very well,” he said to her. “And please know, that no matter how provocatively you have to dress to pass as our sex slave on Delphi Prime, Saxon and I will still protect you and keep anyone from taking advantage of you.”

“Damn right,” Saxon growled.

“Thank you—both of you.” Mirabella’s green eyes shimmered like emeralds as she looked up at them, her lovely face filled with gratitude.

“You’re very welcome, my Lady,” Lynx told her. “No matter what happens, we’ll keep you safe.”

“Remember—not a drop of your blood will be shed unless all of ours is spilled,” Saxon growled softly.

“Thank you.” Mirabella’s voice trembled as she thanked them again. “That makes me feel so safe. So…”

“Cherished? Protected? Cared for?” Lynx purred softly. “For you are all those things when you are with us, my Lady.”

He took a hand off the steering yoke and put it around her shoulders, only to find that Saxon had already encircled her waist. As the familiar electrical energy began to flow through the three of them, he wished that it would never end.



Saxon felt guilty that they had decided to extend their mission yet again. Of course, they were only doing it to protect Mirabella, but he couldn’t help feeling that the longer they stayed with her, the deeper the connection between the three of them was growing.

Shouldn’t be connecting with her—shouldn’t want to connect with any female at all, he thought. Not after Kara.

But as much as he tried to hold the memory of his lost mate sacred in his heart, he couldn’t seem to help wanting to be closer to Mirabella. It wasn’t just that she was beautiful and curvy, it was the fact that she was courageous and smart and fun to be with. He greatly admired the way she stood up to Mistress Bloodmuch and the corrupt Mistresses who had been trying to buy her power.

She’s a force to be reckoned with, he thought, looking down at the little female affectionately. And she’s not afraid of anything!

Saxon couldn’t help admiring that quality in her—and he couldn’t help wanting to be closer to her. Especially when she was sitting between himself and Lynx, touching both of them at once. That always made the energy start flowing between the three of them, making him want her more and more.

He knew Lynx wanted her too—he could feel the longing and desire pouring through their Brother-Bond whenever they were both touching the little female at once. If it was up to Lynx, they would be pursuing Mirabella much more aggressively. They would be talking about Bonding her to them instead of just guarding her until her transfer of power was complete.

But Saxon just didn’t feel right about it. It felt like disrespecting Kara’s memory—like forgetting their beloved mate. He couldn’t do that, no matter how tempting Mirabella was.

Although sometimes, like right now with his arm around her shoulders and Lynx’s arm around her waist, he wished that he could let himself give in and love her…

“Saxon?” Mirabella’s soft voice penetrated his thoughts and he looked down at her.

“Yes, little one?”

“I don’t think I ever thanked you for stopping me from taking that drugged drink,” she said, looking up at him. “So I want to now—thank you.”