Saxon woke with someone’s breast in his hand. It was full and firm and the nipple went tight when he stroked it idly with one fingertip. The warm feminine body sandwiched between him and his Bond-Brother stirred and he heard a soft moan of sleepy pleasure.

Kara, he thought, and teased the tight little tip some more. The mate he shared with Lynx had extra sensitive nipples which he loved to play with and suck. And Kara was always eager to let him do exactly that.

She even made a game of it. Pretending she wanted to reach something on the shelf behind him, she would climb in his lap, pushing her breasts into his face while acting like she didn’t notice what she was doing.

Saxon would oblige her, sucking her sweet, ripe tips until she moaned and Lynx would laugh when he came in and saw them indulging in their favorite pastime. Then he would join them and the energy would begin to flow between the three of them and everything would be perfect.

Just like it flowed last night, he thought sleepily.

Kara would always end by begging the two of them to take her while they were bonded together. She loved it when they filled her tight little pussy with both their shafts at the same time and shot their seed deep in her womb…

But you shouldn’t have done it, whispered a little voice in his head. You should have waited…you filled her too soon…and then she died.

The little voice and its dire message woke Saxon fully and he realized that the breast he was cupping didn’t belong to his lost mate at all. No, he and Lynx were in bed with a stranger—or a female they’d only met the day before, which was as good as the same thing. And last night they had shared her. Or at least, they had pleasured her at the same time, which was just as bad.

How could you? The voice in his head had turned reproachful. How could you forget Kara—how could you let yourself be with another female after what you did to your mate?

The girl beside him stirred and shifted.

“Uh…what?” She sounded confused—as confused as Saxon had been upon waking with her breast in his hand.

He pulled away now, as though her softness had stung him.

“Saxon?” The low, sleepy purr was Lynx—he was also opening his eyes. Probably he’d been roused by the strong feelings of guilt and shame Saxon was feeling.

Saxon sat up, feeling disgusted with himself.

“We shouldn’t have done this,” he growled, getting off the bed. “What the fuck is wrong with us?”

“Saxon, it’s been years,” Lynx protested. “Don’t you think it’s time to move on?”

“Move on?” Saxon glared down at his Bond-Brother. The girl they had shared—Mistress Mirabella—still had her head pillowed on his chest. She looked up at Saxon with sleepy, wondering eyes. Green eyes—unlike Kara’s deep brown. “How can you fucking say that?” he demanded. “How can you ever move on after what we did to her?”

“Saxon—” Lynx started but Saxon had had enough.

“No—I don’t fucking want to hear it,” he growled.

He slammed out of the bedroom, shame filling him and the memory of their lost mate like a stone in his heart.



“What was that all about?” Miri sat up, remembered she was naked, and pulled the sheet up to her chest. She wasn’t sure what Saxon was talking about but suddenly she remembered that she’d heard him and Lynx saying something about killing someone the night before. How could she have forgotten that and let the two huge Monstrum into her bed?

Lynx sighed.

“It was my Bond-Brother feeling guilty and angry that we shared you last night. He thinks we should never share a female again after…”

“After what?” Miri prompted. “Look, you need to tell me,” she went on, when Lynx didn’t answer. “I heard the two of you talking about killing a girl last night—does that have something to do with why Saxon is feeling guilty this morning?”

Lynx sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair.

“It’s not what you think. Saxon and I didn’t kill some poor girl during a night of drunken passion or anything like that. He’s talking about our mate—Kara.”

He spoke the name in a low, sad voice, looking down at the tangled sheets and blankets as though he couldn’t bear to meet Miri’s eyes.

“So…you two Joined with the same girl?” she asked.

Lynx shrugged.

“That’s how it’s done when two Monstrum form a Brother-Bond,” he said simply. “As I told you, it feels wrong to be with a female without my Bond-Brother on the other side of her, helping me to please and pleasure her. So yes, we took the same mate and her name was Kara.”

“What happened to her—to Kara?” Miri asked. She was almost afraid to find out. After last night, she’d begun to think differently of the two Monstrum…she didn’t want to hear that the two of them had accidentally killed their wife.