But washing and drying her one and only piece of clothing meant she slept naked every night. It was no hardship, considering that Aunt Raz had made certain all the bed sheets were made of five thousand thread count Brethian linen, so fine and soft they felt like silk. Miri had even begun to like the sensuous feeling of the ultra-soft material whispering against her bare skin.
Now, however, it felt dangerous. What if the two Monstrum snuck into her bedroom in the middle of the night? She couldn’t help flashing on Saxon saying that her breasts were ‘extremely suckable.’ And hadn’t he also said he wanted to suck her nipples while he watched Lynx lick her pussy?
The mental image of the two huge warriors attending to her pleasure flared in her mind’s eye—the three of them writhing on the bed as they did whatever they wanted to her. A shiver of lust went through her and her nipples went tight…which made Miri extremely angry with herself.
What’s wrong with you? she scolded herself. Are you turning into one of those horrible Opulex Mistresses who keeps two or three bodyslaves around her at all times and forces them to pleasure her all at once? You weren’t raised like that, you know!
On her part of Yonnie Six, monogamous relationships were the norm. Women were allowed to mate with men and to be penetrated by them—a big no-no in Opulex—and even to have families with them. That was the kind of household Miri had been raised in—it was what she was used to. She wasn’t like the decadent Yonnite Mistresses who had multiple male servants and bodyslaves to do their bidding and pleasure them constantly.
In fact, she’d been teased and made fun of when she came to take her Aunt’s place as a member of the Sacred Seven because she didn’t have a bodyslave. None of the other Yonnite Mistresses would take her seriously without one, but Miri refused to buy one anyway. She could never forget that her own father had been sold as a bodyslave at the Flesh Bazaar and if her mother hadn’t been the one to buy him, he would have had a horrible life enslaved to some terrible, cruel Opulex Mistress.
Of course, both her parents were gone now. Her mother had only lived long enough to see Miri graduate from the House of Healing higher education program and then she had passed quietly in the night. An autopsy had showed no actual cause of death but Miri knew the reason—her mother had been longing for her father all those years. She had been living for Miri, making sure she was on the right track. And the moment it became clear that her only child—her daughter—was going to be all right, she’d finally succumbed to her broken heart.
Of course, a “broken heart” wasn’t a medically sound diagnosis, but Miri knew it was true. Her mother had never gotten over her father’s death—she had never stopped loving him and missing him.
How often Miri had wished for a love like the one her parents had shared! A deep, caring relationship that would last a lifetime. But none of the males she’d met had done anything for her. She’d had sex of course, but it all felt meaningless and none of it was much good—neither of the males she’d been with had been able to find her clit with any success, let alone give her any other kind of pleasure.
In fact, her failure to find the kind of relationship she was looking for had been part of the reason Miri had agreed to move to Opulex and manage her late Aunt’s estate. She’d decided that maybe a sexless existence was the only one that made sense for her.
Well, you’re not acting “sexless” right now, whispered a reproving little voice in her head. Having fantasies about the two huge Monstrum warriors who had been sent to guard her was definitely not in line with the life she’d envisioned for herself. She needed to put them out of her head and just go to bed.
With a sigh, Miri at last released her silver and green dress, watching it slide down the chute to the basement where it would be washed and dried yet again. It was too big for her now—she’d been living on protein bars and nutrient drinks all month, ever since the attack, when she’d fled from the killer inside Beelie.
The sparing diet which was mainly protein had caused her to lose weight and now the dress—which had been almost too tight when she’d first put it on—hung on her in bunches of fabric. Once or twice Miri had dared to send Beelie on a food run to try and find something else to bring back for her to eat, but that had been a bad idea. The roaming packs of Cast-offs—the bodyslaves abandoned by their Mistresses—had followed him and found out there was someone living inside the seemingly abandoned building.