“I…you…” Miri didn’t know what to say—where to begin. To say that she was insulted would be an understatement. Although the fact that the dark, brooding Monstrum warrior thought she was “gorgeous” was maybe just a little bit intriguing. But mostly, she was angry that they actually thought she was going to fall for this ridiculous ruse.

“Ah, Brother? I really don’t think you should have mentioned Lady Mirabella’s personal attributes,” Lynx murmured.

“What? She’s acting like we’re trying to Bond her to us,” Saxon grumbled. “I just wanted to put the cards on the table, like the humans say back on Earth. Is she extremely fuckable? Yes. But are we trying to fuck her? No.”

“Saxon…” Lynx groaned and put a hand to his eyes. “You’re only making it worse!”

Miri glared at both of them.

“You two just want to get me naked in bed between you. Well forget it—it’s not happening! I’m going to my room and I’m locking the door! You can fend for yourselves.”

“But if you lock the door, how can we defend you if the killer does somehow gain entry?” Lynx protested.

Miri paused. The big Monstrum had a point, she supposed. What was the point of letting them into her stronghold if she locked them out of the place where she was most vulnerable?

But now she felt like she didn’t trust them any more than the killer! What if the two of them snuck into her room at night and tried to…well, it was unthinkable.

“You don’t trust us now, because you don’t believe us about the Aura of Protection,” Lynx said.

“Damn straight I don’t believe you!” Miri snapped. “And right about now I’m wishing I would have left the two of you in that cell. Or better yet, never opened my door to you in the first place!”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.” Lynx shook his head. “We’ve done a poor job of earning your trust. Please believe me when I say that Saxon and I are not here to hurt or molest you. I’m sorry if you misunderstood our intentions. But just because we share females between us, doesn’t mean we want to share you.”

“Hell yes, we want to—but we’re not fucking going to,” Saxon put in.

Lynx clenched his jaw and Miri thought maybe the big Monstrum’s supply of patience was beginning to run low.

“Again, Saxon—not helping,” he ground out, shooting a glare at his Bond-Brother.

“Sorry. Just telling it like it is. You desire her—I can feel it through our Brother-Bond,” Saxon said. “And I do too—even though I know I shouldn’t. There’s no point pretending that’s not true.”

“We’re trying to get Mistress Mirabella to trust us enough to sleep between us so we can protect her,” Lynx snapped. “You telling her that we find her desirable and ‘fuckable’ and that her ‘tits are suckable’ isn’t going to convince her that we won’t try anything inappropriate!”

“Fuck inappropriate—I’d like to suck her sweet tits and watch you taste her pussy until she moans both our names,” Saxon growled. “But of course we’re not going to do that—it wouldn’t be right. And not just because she says she doesn’t want us to—even though she really does,” he added, looking at Miri.

“What?” A moment ago, Miri had thought she couldn’t be any more offended. But the dark Monstrum’s casual sexism made her so angry she could hardly speak! “How dare you say that about me?” she demanded.

“I say it because it’s true. Because I can smell your heat when you’re near either one of us,” Saxon said. “You can probably smell our scents too—bet they smell pretty fucking good to you, don’t they little Mistress?”

Miri bit her lip, remembering how good the two of them had smelled when she had been treating their wounds. And she also couldn’t help remembering how her body had reacted—her nipples going tight while her pussy got hot and slippery.

Angrily, she pushed the memories away. It didn’t matter how good they smelled or how hot they made her, she was not sleeping naked between them!

“Saxon, please!” Lynx was almost pleading now. “Can’t you stop?”

“I’m just telling it like it is,” the dark Monstrum growled. “There’s tension between the three of us and we shouldn’t deny it. That doesn’t mean we have to fucking act on it—but it’s better to be honest.”

But at this point, Miri had had enough.

“Beelie,” she called and the automaton came rolling in, ready as ever to stand by her side. “Come,” she told him. “We’re going to bed—alone.”

And with a final glare at the two Monstrum warriors, she stalked out of the food prep area and headed for the Master Suite.



“Why did you do that?” Lynx asked, glaring at his Bond-Brother. “Why did you deliberately scare her off like that?”

“I didn’t scare her off—you telling her that she needs to sleep between us naked scared her off,” Saxon scoffed.