“It’s all right.” Mirabella sniffed and lifted her chin, a determined look passing over her face. “It was a long time ago—more than fifteen years. I just…I still miss him.”

“We know how that is—losing someone you love so dearly it’s like losing a piece of your heart,” Lynx told her. Saxon shot him a warning glance and he shrugged. He wasn’t going to say anything else, but it was good for the girl to know they could empathize with her.

“Yeah, well…” She sniffed again and then made what looked like a determined effort to put her darker emotions away. “What else do you have? Do you have any pizza or spaghetti?” she asked hopefully.

Lynx examined the cubes, which had tiny writing on their sides.

“Um…here we go—pepperoni pizza,” he said, handing her the cube.

“Oh, really?” Mirabella’s eyes got large and shiny with hope as she handled the tiny cube with care. “But…how does this work?” she asked.

“Just put the cube in the rehydrator and press the button.” Lynx opened the door to the rehydrating unit and gestured to the round glass disk set into its base. “Right in the center there,” he said, pointing.

Mirabella put the cube in the unit and Lynx shut the door and pushed the button. After about a minute of humming to itself, the rehydrator made a sharp ding! indicating it was done.

“There you go!” Lynx pulled open the door with a flourish, revealing two large, triangular slices of the Earth food called “pizza.” The slices were sitting on a broad paper plate and both were covered in the stringy, melty stuff called “cheese.” The little red disks scattered over the top must be the pepperoni, Lynx thought.

“Oh my Goddess! It’s really real!”

Mirabella’s eyes went wide and excited as she carefully pulled the paper plate with its delicious-smelling slices out of the rehydrator.

“Take a bite,” Lynx urged. “I’m told the Kindred of the Earth Mother Ship only dehydrate the very finest foods, so that every meal is excellent.”

Mirabella blew on the slices and then carefully bit the end off one of the cheesy triangles. A look of ecstasy came over her lovely face and her eyes rolled up in pure bliss. She looked just like she had while she was eating the chocolate and again, Lynx found that her expression had an effect on him. Inside his trousers, his shaft was getting hard. Which was ridiculous, but he couldn’t help it—he just loved to see her enjoying herself.

Think how much better it would be if she was making that face for a different reason, whispered a little voice in his head. Like if you were lapping her sweet, soft pussy while Saxon was sucking her nipples. She’d be arching her back and moaning, that look of pleasure on her beautiful face as she called both your names…

Then he made himself stop picturing the erotic scene. He didn’t need to get a hard-on while he was supposed to be cooking Last Meal! Resolutely, he looked through the cubes until he found one that had Stergian Stew written in tiny black script.

Good—he didn’t especially like Stergian Stew, which was a bitter, sour concoction with hard-to-chew lumps of Stergian Yak meat in it. But it ought to help get his mind off of their new little Mistress and how distractingly pretty she was.

He needed to get his mind where it belonged—on protecting Mistress Mirabella. Not…doing anything else with her.



Saxon couldn’t help noticing how fucking gorgeous she was when she did that little eye roll and moan of delight as she bit into the Earth food. It was the same thing she’d done when she ate the chocolate and damned if it didn’t make his shaft rise!

Not that it had far to go—he was already still half-hard from feeling her soft little hands on him when she’d been spreading the healing salve on the laser burn. Gods, now there was a medical exam he wouldn’t soon forget! Feeling her touch him, watching her bend over, her beautiful face so close to his equipment…

And the clothes she was wearing certainly contributed to the experience. The dress she had on was too loose on her—as though she’d lost weight since she picked it out. It was already low cut and when she leaned down, he could see her soft, full breasts like light brown fruit tipped with berry-dark nipples.

He’d tried not to look—well, mostly. But the sight of those beautiful tits hanging down like ripe fruit was almost too fucking much to stand. Not to mention the feeling of her touching him, where no female had touched in years…

A feeling of guilt came over him as he realized what he was thinking.

Stop it, he told himself harshly. That part of your life is over—it died when she died. How can you even look at another female after what you did to her? After how her life ended?