“There,” she said, stepping back at last. “Is that all?”

“Well…” Saxon shifted in his chair.

“Well?” Miri repeated.

“Look, I wasn’t going to say anything but I think one of those bastards shot me…”

“Where, Brother?” Lynx looked concerned.

“Well…” Saxon scowled. “Forget it—I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

“No—tell me! Better yet—show me,” Miri said firmly.

She didn’t know where she got the courage to order two such huge males around but when it came to dealing with medical matters, she was in her element. She was never more sure of herself than when she was examining and treating a patient—even if that patient happened to be a seven-foot-tall, incredibly muscular, alien warrior.

“All right—you asked for it.”

Matter of factly, the dark Monstrum rose and began unfastening his trousers. Miri bit her lip as he pulled them down, revealing the largest male equipment she’d ever seen in her life.

Unable to help herself, Miri’s eyes were drawn to his heavy male shaft. Gods, how big was that thing anyway? And was there something strange about it? It looked…different from any male equipment she’d ever seen before. Not that she examined a lot of men—the Healing Houses in her part of Yonnie Six were segregated by sex and she worked almost exclusively at the one for women. But still…

“Hey, Little Mistress—the wound is right here,” Saxon drawled. “Are you going to examine me or not?” He was pointing to the side of his shaft, which did indeed have a laser burn on it.

“Oh—of course. Right.” Miri could feel her cheeks getting hot with a blush. Goddess, what was wrong with her? She needed to be treating the big Monstrum as a patient—not some kind of peep show!

“That’s a nasty place to get wounded, Brother,” Lynx remarked, wincing in sympathy. “No wonder you’ve been so grouchy!”

“Yeah, well…” Saxon shifted restlessly as Miri came forward resolutely to examine him. She took the huge male shaft gently in her right hand and pulled it to one side, trying to get a better look at the wound, which was a nasty burn.

To her embarrassment, the thick shaft in her hand began to grow, even though she was barely touching him.

“Sorry,” the dark Monstrum muttered, shifting again. “Just…haven’t had a pretty female touch me in a while.”

“That’s quite all right,” Miri said, trying to act unconcerned and use her most professional tone. “Let me just apply some healing salve…”

She rubbed some of the ointment into the burn and the shaft grew some more—or was it shafts? Looking closely she could see that there was a second, smaller shaft mounted on top of the larger one. The two were joined at the base and the top one was long and slender, whereas the bottom one was long and thick—much thicker than anything Miri had ever seen in her life.

“You looking at my secondary shaft?” Saxon rumbled, jerking her out of her observation?

“Um, no. Of course not!” Miri jerked her eyes away but she couldn’t help wondering—what possible use could a male have for two shafts? Maybe the females of his species had two vaginas? She didn’t know and it seemed rude to ask.

Saxon answered her unasked question anyway.

“The primary shaft—that’s the thicker one—goes into a female’s pussy,” he growled. “The secondary shaft goes in her ass—if I’m taking her from behind. Or it stimulates her clit if I’m taking her from the front or sharing her with Lynx.”

“When you’re what?” Miri jerked her head up, staring at him.

“I think that’s a little more information than our new Mistress needed, Brother,” Lynx said dryly.

“What? She wanted to ask—she was just too fucking polite to say anything,” Saxon growled.

Miri said nothing, but her heart was beating like a drum. Was he serious about how he used his double equipment? But how in the world could any woman take one huge shaft—let alone two of them at once? And what kind of relationship did the two Monstrum have to each other, anyway? It was clear they weren’t the same kind of species, so they couldn’t really be brothers. But did they actually share women between them?

Keeping her face blank, she finished spreading the healing salve on his wound and then nodded for Saxon to pull his trousers back up—which he did with some difficulty, since both shafts were now almost fully erect. Miri pretended not to notice when he had a hard time fastening the leather trousers.

“Is that all?” she asked again.

When both of them nodded, she packed up her Med Kit and then went to the sink unit to wash her hands.

“Well, I’d offer the two of you some supper, but I’m afraid I don’t have much,” she said, as she dried them on a towel. “So unless you brought your own supplies, I’m afraid it’s protein bars and nutrient drinks.” She sighed. “Just like every other day and night for the past solar month.”