“All right, I’m sorry.” Miri subsided and spread her thighs obediently for the big Monstrum’s tongue. She couldn’t help wiggling a little though—especially when Saxon paid extra attention to her throbbing clit.

“Why so restless, my Lady?” Lynx asked. He was busy getting something out of a storage space at the back of the bedroom and setting it up. It looked like a kind of long, padded bench with a back at either end to Miri.

“I don’t know.” She wiggled again, causing Saxon to give her a warning growl. “I just feel so…restless. The orgasm I had just now was so good—one of the best I can ever remember. But I still want more.”

“It’s the Bonding Fruit juice,” Lynx told her, nodding. “It not only enables you to open for two shafts at once, it makes you crave them. But don’t worry—as soon as I get this Bonding Bench set up Saxon and I can merge to fill you.”

“Bonding Bench?” Miri asked, looking at the strange seat. She supposed it was like two chairs fused together with a really long seat between them.

Saxon looked up from his place between her thighs.

“It enables us to sit close enough to merge our shafts comfortably,” he explained. “And then you’ll be able to lower yourself down on us to ride on our merged cock.”

“So…you actually grow together in some way?” Miri asked, instantly interested.

“We do.” Lynx nodded. “It’s the Brother-Bond that enables it.”

“And when we shoot our cream in you, our mingled seed will cause your body to release at least two eggs,” Saxon growled. He raised his eyebrows at her. “Are you ready for that, little one? Ready to take a ride on our cocks and get bred tonight?”

Miri bit her lip.

“Yes,” she said, finding the courage inside herself. “It’s a little scary and I hadn’t really planned on getting pregnant just yet—I was going to wait until my career was more settled. But yes, I’m ready.”

“That’s good because we’ll be breeding you a long time tonight, my Lady,” Lynx purred, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure at the thought. “Gods,” he added, patting the wooden back of one of the bench’s chairs. “I never thought we’d ever use this.”

“Is that the one you used with Kara?” Miri asked and was relieved when Saxon shook his head.

“That one we burned,” he said harshly. “Lynx built this one himself, a little over a cycle ago. That’s how I knew he was hoping we might find a mate again—though I was sure we never would.”

“Never say never, Brother. Especially when the Goddess is involved,” Lynx remarked.

Saxon started to say something in reply but Miri interrupted him with a wiggle of her hips and a moan.

“When are the two of you going to Bond me?” she demanded. “I feel so…so empty inside!”

“Soon, little one. I think you’re clean enough now.” Saxon placed a final kiss on her pussy mound and released her hips. “Give us a moment to merge our shafts and then you can ‘mount up,’” he rumbled, giving her a lazy grin.

Miri watched as the two huge Monstrum each straddled the padded bench and scooted forward. They were both still nude and both still hard—after a moment, Saxon’s long primary shaft was pressed against Lynx’s thick cock.

“Now…I know it’s been a while,” Saxon growled.

“Yes, it has.” Lynx shifted slightly, causing the other male to groan.

“Careful with those spines if you don’t want me coming before we even get into our sweet little female,” he warned.

“Sorry.” Lynx subsided. “Do you want to do the honors or should I?”

“I’ll do it.” And Saxon curled his fingers around both thick shafts. “Gods, it feels good,” he rumbled. “Concentrate—we must become one to Bond our female.”

Lynx furrowed his brow and Saxon frowned, both of them clearly concentrating hard on the intimate merger.

“There,” Saxon said at last. And when he pulled his hand away, Miri saw that the two separate shafts had become one enormously thick cock. It was tipped with a broad, flaring crown which came to a kind of soft tip that had two slits in the center.

One for each of their seed to shoot from, she thought, looking at the unusual head. And it’s going to shoot into me and possibly make me pregnant!

“All right, little one—we’re merged.” Saxon motioned for her to come over.

“Are you ready to let us fill you, my Lady?” Lynx purred.

“Yes.” There was no hesitation in her tone—the empty ache caused by the Bonding Fruit was almost more than she could stand. “Yes, I need you in me—both of you,” she said, coming over to the long bench. Looking down, she realized there were footrests coming out of the bottom of it, just in the center. A good thing since her feet wouldn’t be able to touch the ground once she was mounted on the enormous double-cock.