His words made Miri remember how he had gotten her ready to wear the double-ended tail at the Oracle’s mountain and she felt herself blushing again. But she knew what she wanted despite her embarrassment.

“All right—bottom’s up,” she said and tossed back the shot of Bonding Fruit juice all in one gulp.

“Oh, my Lady!” Lynx’s golden eyes grew wide with concern. “I didn’t mean for you to drink it all at once—that is extremely concentrated juice!”

“Oops.” Miri shrugged and licked the rim of the small glass to get the last of the juice, which was delicious—sweet with just a hint of savory flavor. “Well—I guess it will just help me open up for the two of you faster,” she said, shrugging.

“Well…” Lynx hesitated. “Bonding fruit has some…properties I don’t think you’re aware of, my Lady.”

“Properties? What properties?” Miri asked uneasily.

“Certain aphrodisiac properties,” Lynx said delicately.

“It makes you horny as fuck,” Saxon said bluntly. “And with the amount you drank, you’re going to need to get ‘serviced’ all fucking night long.” He grinned at her. “Luckily, I happen to know of two Monstrum warriors right here who are willing, ready, and able to meet all your needs, little one.”

Miri felt a tingle between her thighs at the way they were looking at her and suddenly her nipples felt tight and achy beneath her towel.

“Mmm, I think I’m beginning to feel the effects of that juice already, boys,” she murmured. “But wait—” She put up a hand because Saxon was already on his way to pin her to the bed. “I want to be in charge this time,” she told them.

“Mmmm, I think I like that idea,” Lynx purred.

Saxon raised his eyebrows.

“All right—I’m in. But what do you want us to do?”

“Both of you sit at the head of the bed—sit close together. That’s right—side by side.” Miri pushed her hands together, indicating what she wanted.

When she had her guys—because they were definitely her guys now—in the right position, she rose to a standing position and took a step towards them. They were so tall that even sitting, their heads were at the level of her breasts—which was exactly what Miri wanted. But first she wanted to kiss them—to taste them both.

Leaning down, she took Lynx’s mouth first. His kiss was warm and soft and she could hear a deep purr of pleasure building in his chest as she kissed him. He tasted of some kind of mint, she decided—cool and refreshing and tingly when she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Lynx sucked delicately at the tip of her tongue, asking for more and Miri was glad to give it to him. At last, however, she pulled away.

There was a look of almost drugged pleasure in the Felinus Shifter’s golden eyes.

“Gods, my Lady—your kiss is so sweet,” he murmured.

“Yours is too, Lynx.” She stroked his cheek, holding his gaze with hers for a moment. Then she turned to Saxon. “Now it’s your turn.”

“Been waiting for this.” Saxon’s voice was a hungry growl and Miri swore she could feel his lust through the partial Bond they already shared. Or maybe it was just the Bonding Fruit juice getting to her. She didn’t know, but she was certain of one thing—she wanted to taste the Lykan Shifter’s mouth.

She’d been sweet and gentle with Lynx, but that wouldn’t do for Saxon. Reaching down, she wove her fingers through his thick black hair and gripped him firmly, holding him in place.

His pale blue eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed with lust.

“Oh, is that how it’s gonna be, little one?” he growled. “So you do want to be in charge.”

“I told you so, didn’t I?” Miri purred. Leaning down, she took his mouth in an almost savage kiss, pressing her lips to his, which opened immediately under her mouth. She pressed her tongue into the big Monstrum’s mouth, exploring him thoroughly—owning him completely. He tasted of the sweet, hot candy she’d loved when she was little—spicy and delicious.

Saxon gave that hungry growl again as Miri tightened her grip on his hair. He could, of course, have freed himself at any time. He was many times bigger and stronger than her, but he seemed willing to let her take the lead—which turned her on immensely.

She had a moment to think that she’d never been this aggressive in the bedroom before. What was going on with her? Was it the Bonding Fruit juice? Or was she just excited about finally getting to Bond with her Monstrum? Whatever the reason, Miri had never felt so fiercely sexual—or so free.

She broke the kiss at last, looking into Saxon’s eyes for an intense moment before pulling away.

“Goddess, my Lady—you’re magnificent when you take charge,” Lynx murmured. He’d been watching her and Saxon kiss with half-lidded eyes and it was clear from the enormous ridge rising under his towel that he more than approved of what he saw.