“The Goddess herself spoke to you?” Lynx’s golden eyes were wide.

“She really did, little one?” Saxon asked.

“She did.” Miri nodded firmly. “She told me not to let Lynx shoot you.”

“But…why did you not tell me she was speaking in your ear?” Lynx demanded. “It would have saved me a lot of heartache and anxiety if I had known the Goddess was guiding your actions.”

“To be honest, I thought I was going crazy at first,” Miri admitted. “I’ve always been, if not exactly an atheist, at least an agnostic.” She shrugged. “Guess I can’t say that anymore.”

“And she told you that you had a partial Bond with me?” Saxon asked.

Miri nodded.

“She did. And she told me I should ‘throw you a lifeline.’”

“Which is exactly what you did,” he rumbled, nodding.

“You must have formed a partial Bond with our Lady during our night with the Oracle,” Lynx mused. “When you took her so deeply and filled her to overflowing with your seed, Brother.”

Miri felt her cheeks getting hot.

“I thought you guys couldn’t Bond me unless you were, you know, uh ‘merged’ together?”

“I have always thought so too,” Lynx said. “But I guess in this case we have an exception to the rule.”

“You need to Bond her too, Brother,” Saxon rumbled, nodding at Lynx. “And then we’ll both take her together to seal the Bond completely.” He looked at Miri, his pale eyes blazing. “If you’ll have us, little one.”

“Yes, my Lady—will you Bond with us? Will you let us Bond you to us?” Lynx purred, looking at her with deep need in his golden eyes.

Miri bit her lip.

“I want to—I want to be with both of you forever—for the rest of our lives,” she said. “But Saxon, are you sure? You seemed so worried about this earlier. About me…you know, having the same problems your other mate did.”

Saxon gave her an intense look.

“That was before I knew the Goddess was involved. Clearly she means for the three of us to be together.” He leaned over and placed one big hand on Miri’s lower abdomen. “And I know that if you do get pregnant when we breed you and Bond you, it will be her will.”

Miri stared at him with wide eyes. The idea of getting pregnant by both of the huge Monstrum was beginning to sink in. She’d always hoped that someday she would meet a man she loved and raise a family with him, just as her own mother had. But she’d never dreamed that the man of her dreams would turn out to be two huge alien warriors who could turn into animals.

But she loved them with her whole heart—both of them. Lynx with his gentle manners and his sweet, deep purring voice and Saxon with his rough and ready ways and his constant growling. They complemented each other perfectly and she knew that she could complete them. It was just the way they had to Bond which worried her.

“I want to be with you—both of you—forever,” she whispered. “But…I’m still a little scared about the actual Bonding process. About, you know, both of you being in me at once?”

“Ahh, you fear you won’t be able to take us, is that it?” Lynx raised his eyebrows.

Miri nodded.

“I kind of felt stretched to the limit last night with Saxon—I don’t see how I can take both of you at the same time in the, uh, same hole.”

“We will, of course, prepare you, my Lady.” Lynx gave her a half-lidded look. “It will be our very great pleasure to do so. But if you still have concerns, I have something which might help. Just a moment.”

He left the bed and came back a moment later with a small glass of juice.

The juice had a pale, peachy shade and it smelled slightly like ripe peaches—which Miri’s father had brought to her from Earth—as well as some other things she couldn’t name.

“What’s this?” she asked, sniffing the juice uncertainly.

“It’s Bonding Fruit juice,” Lynx explained. “The Twin Kindred of this universe use it to help a female open for them as they Bond her. I got it the last time we were aboard the other Kindreds’ Mother Ship,” he added, speaking to Saxon. “I always hoped we might have a reason to use it, despite the fact that you were so resistant to ever finding another mate.”

“Yeah. I had no idea that Mirabella was in our future.” Saxon nodded. “I’m glad you got it, Brother. It should ease the way considerably.”

“So…this is going to help me, er…open up? Like the compounds in your mouths?” Miri asked, still holding the juice.

“It will—though we will of course get you ready with our mouths and tongues as well,” Lynx murmured. “In fact, I would love to taste you again, my Lady.”

“I want to lick her sweet pussy too,” Saxon growled. “And suck her tight little nipples.” He gave Miri a lustful look. “You taste so good, little one—all of you.”