“It wasn’t my fault?” He scowled. “Yeah, I suppose you could say that. I didn’t know how things were going to end—never dreamed such a fucking nightmare could come our way. That our mate would die from what we did to her.”

“What we did was love her,” Lynx said earnestly. “The way a Bonded-Brother pair is supposed to love their mate.”

“She was too little to carry our babies and yet we bred her anyway,” Saxon growled. “And look at little Miri…” He pointed at Miri. “She’s no bigger than Kara was! If we Bond her, we breed her and if we breed her, there’s a good chance she’ll conceive. And then it will all start all over again—and end the same way.”

“I don’t understand.” Miri shook her head. “Can’t you, uh, Bond me to you without breeding me?”

Lynx shook his head.

“Unfortunately, in order to Bond you to us, Saxon and I must merge our shafts and enter you at the same time. And we must both fill you with our seed—which often stimulates a female’s body to release two eggs, one for each of us to fertilize.”

“Wow…both of you at once? In my…in the same hole?” Miri bit her lip. Saxon’s double shafts had been big enough to take—certainly bigger than anything she’d ever had in her before. But the idea of both of them in her pussy at the same time…

“We would, of course, prepare you. Just as we did yesterday,” Lynx reminded her. “There would be no pain—only pleasure, my Lady.”

“Pleasure until we lost her the same way we lost Kara, you mean,” Saxon growled. He shook his head. “No—I won’t do it. I won’t risk it again!”

“Brother, please! Mirabella is offering us her heart—are you really going to turn it down even though I know you love her as much as I do?” Lynx sounded really distressed.

“It’s because I care for her that I’m saying no. I’m sorry, little one.” Saxon reached out to cup Miri’s cheek briefly. “But I can’t watch another female I care for die.”

“You’re just assuming I’d meet the same fate as Kara,” Miri protested. “But that’s not true! Just look at my hips.” She stood up from the stool she’d been sitting on and planted her hands firmly on the body parts in question. “These are what my Momma used to call ‘child-bearing hips’. And no woman in my family has ever died in childbirth!”

For a moment, she thought Saxon was swayed. His pale blue eyes scanned her body, considering her curves as though they were an insurance policy against death and grief. But at last, he shook his head.

“Sorry—I can’t fucking do it,” he growled. “You go on if you want to, Brother,” he added, looking at Lynx.

Lynx shot back an angry look, his golden eyes narrowing.

“You know it doesn’t work like that! I can’t take a mate without you. And I wouldn’t want to, even if I could! You’re my other half—you complete me, Saxon—you’d complete us if you’d just rethink what Mirabella is offering!”

But the dark Monstrum only shook his head.

“Sorry. Can’t,” he said shortly.

“But—” Miri began, feeling as frustrated as Lynx looked. The three of them belonged together—couldn’t the big Monstrum see that? Why was he being so damn stubborn?

Just then, however, a beeping sound could be heard from the front of the ship where the instrument panel and steering yoke were located.

Lynx frowned.

“That sounds like the proximity alert. What could be getting close to us out here?”

They were in a deep orbit around Yonnie Six—a position Saxon had requested earlier when asking the Mother Ship to fold space for them. The reason being that they didn’t want to run into anyone who Miri knew until they were ready. Since Yonnie Five and Yonnie Seven were at different ends of their orbits and nowhere near her home world, she had to wonder what in the world was setting off the proximity alert. They were basically out in the middle of nowhere out here.

“I’ll check it out,” Saxon said, getting up from the table quickly.

“I’m coming too—you don’t get to end this conversation that easily,” Lynx said, also pushing back from the table.

“I agree,” Miri said. Since she was already up, she followed the two Monstrum to the front of the ship and watched as Saxon slid into the pilot’s chair.

“Up on the viewscreen now—it looks like a Yonnite vessel,” he said as he rapidly worked the controls.

Lynx gave a low whistle as the vessel appeared on the viewscreen.

“Not just a vessel, Brother—that’s a Space Yacht!”

It was, Miri saw—the kind of ship that only the very wealthiest Mistresses could afford. It gleamed with precious metals—the entire outer hull seemed to be made of platinum edged in purest gold with mother-of-pearl inlays. It was the kind of ship you only dared to park in a guarded Space Port—otherwise it would be stripped for parts at once.