Maybe it really was time to consider taking another mate.

What, so you can do to Mirabella what you did to Kara? demanded an angry voice in his head. So you can Bond her and Breed her and watch her die in childbirth, the same ways Kara did?

The terrible thought brought Saxon completely awake and he sat up in bed, rubbing his temples. What was wrong with him, thinking of taking another mate? How could he even consider such a thing when it was perfectly clear that any female he and Lynx Bonded might wind up the same way Kara had—dead.

“What are you thinking, Brother?” a low voice murmured.

Saxon turned his head and saw that Lynx was still lying there. Mirabella was cuddled against him, her cheek pillowed on his chest, sleeping the sleep of the very young or the very trusting.

She’s both, Saxon thought. Too young and too trusting for us—she doesn’t know the pain and death and destruction loving us can bring! I never should have shared her with Lynx last night—never!

“What is it you’re thinking?” Lynx asked again. “I can feel your turmoil through our Bond.”

“Thinking we shouldn’t have done what we did last night,” Saxon growled. “We went too fucking far.”

“We did what the Oracle wanted—we paid the price so Mirabella could get the answer to her question,” Lynx pointed out.

“Bullshit,” Saxon said roughly. “We shouldn’t have—”

“I’m in love with her,” Lynx interrupted. His voice was low and intense and he cradled Mirabella to his chest possessively. “And I know you are too, Brother.”

Saxon glared at the Felinus Shifter.

“So what if I am?” he demanded. “We still can’t have her—can’t Bond her.”

“Why not?” Lynx asked earnestly. “I can tell how much you want her—even more than I do and the Goddess knows I want her a hell of a lot! And I think Mirabella is in love with us too.”

Saxon shook his head.

“You’re just saying that to tempt me.”

“Tempt you to what? Reach out your hand for the happiness that’s been offered to us? She does love us, Saxon! Look at the way she gave herself to us last night—without reservation!”

“She was just doing what the Oracle wanted,” Saxon said, throwing his Bond-Brother’s words back at him. “Just paying the price.”

“And didn’t you hear what the Oracle said? She was giving us an excuse to do what we all really wanted—which was to be together the way we were last night,” Lynx argued. “Saxon, I know you love her,” he said earnestly. “So do I—we love her.’

“And it’s because we love her that we’re going to leave her the Seven Hells alone,” Saxon growled. “Or do you want to see her end up the same way Kara did?”

“There’s no guarantee that would happen—in fact, I’m sure it wouldn’t,” Lynx argued. “We could stay aboard the Mother Ship this time—hell, we could all three sleep in the Med Center for the entire pregnancy if you want. And that’s only if she happened to get pregnant when we Bonded her to us.”

“You know we can’t Bond without Breeding,” Saxon growled. “There’s no guarantee she won’t get pregnant with both our sons the moment we take her and make her ours. And if that happens…”

“She’ll have a happy and healthy pregnancy,” Lynx finished for him. “I’m sure of it.”

“No.” Saxon shook his head. “No, I won’t risk it—I won’t risk her. Because you’re right—I fucking love her. Love her too much to risk her life.”

“Females carry twins to term and have healthy pregnancies and deliveries all the time,” Lynx argued. “And Mirabella isn’t Kara! She’s—”

“She’s waking up,” Saxon growled, nodding at the little female who was stirring uneasily against Lynx’s side. “Better be careful what you say, Brother.”

Lynx subsided but Saxon could feel the frustration coming from him loud and clear through their Brother-Bond. Well, that was just too bad, he told himself. Because he did love Mirabella—and he wasn’t going to risk her life.

No matter how badly he wanted her or how deeply he was falling in love with her, he wasn’t going to join with Lynx to Bond her to them. It was just too damn risky.



Miri woke with the feeling that she’d forgotten something important—something she ought to know. There was something soft and warm under her cheek and male voices were speaking in low, intense tones. That was what had woken her, she realized.

She opened her eyes and saw that Saxon was sitting up in bed on her left and Lynx was lying on her right. She was cuddled up to the Felinus Shifter and it felt wonderful…but something was lacking.

“Saxon,” she murmured sleepily. “Why are you all the way up there? Come back to bed.”

“Can’t, little one. It’s time to get up,” he growled, getting out of bed. “You need to get the answer we paid for last night from the Oracle.” He scanned the enormous mirror, which still reminded Miri of a lake turned on its side. “Wherever the fuck she is.”