Mirabella moaned and shifted as he spoke and he knew that his Bond-Brother was paying special attention to her tight little Goddess Pearl. He could feel Lynx’s pleasure through their link as he licked away Saxon’s cream and circled the little button with the tip of his tongue. He was going to clean Mirabella properly…which meant until she came several more times while Saxon stroked and pinched her nipples and murmured dirty words in her ear.

It had been so long since they’d shared a female…it was going to be a long time before they were through with her.



Miri lost track of how many times she came on Lynx’s tongue. The orgasms weren’t as deep or soul-wracking as the one she’d experienced while Saxon was filling her so completely, but they were still intense.

Occasionally, she would turn her head to the side and watch in the silvery surface of the mirror as the naked girl with smooth brown skin and big green eyes writhed between the two huge Monstrum. Then Lynx would make her come again or Saxon would twist her nipples and whisper something deliciously dirty into her ear and she would lose her concentration and moan as she gave herself up to the pleasure of being touched by both of them.

At last, however, just as she was feeling she really couldn’t come any more, Lynx raised his head and licked his lips.

“Delicious,” he murmured, placing a chaste kiss on the top of Miri’s mound. “I think you’re all clean now, my Lady.”

“Does…does that mean we’re finished?” Miri felt a bit disappointed. True, she was all worn out, but she’d never had a sexual experience like the one she’d had with the two big Monstrum. Lynx had been right when he’d said she had never been “shared” before. And she found that she liked it—liked it a lot.

“You have done your best…and now to rest.” The silvery, tinkling voice surprised Miri and she saw that the mirror face of the Oracle, which had disappeared for a while, was now back.

“You want us to rest?” Saxon growled, immediately on guard again. “We did what you asked—now answer the fucking question.”

“Tomorrow I will, for now be still,” the Oracle commanded.

Then the mirror face smoothed out, becoming part of the vast mirror wall which rose above them again.

“Well…” Lynx looked at the bed—which was worse the wear from the three of them having sex on it. “It has been a long time since we slept. I think we can spare a few hours for rest, as the Oracle suggests.”

“Do you think it’s safe to sleep here?” Miri asked, looking around the dim, cavernous room which was dominated by the mirror.

“It’s safe as long as we’re on either side of you, my Lady,” Lynx assured her. He looked at Saxon. “What do you say, Brother? I don’t know about you but I’m tired.”

“Well…” Saxon sighed. “I suppose we could rest just a few hours.”

“Good.” Lynx was already sliding under the covers. He gestured for Miri and Saxon to join him. “Come on—the sheets feel like Midlothian silk.”

Miri slid in beside him and found he was right—the sheets were cool and silky and incredibly soft. Saxon followed her and pulled the white coverlet and sheets up over all of them.

It took a moment of shifting to get comfortable, but then Miri found just the right spot, lying on her side with Lynx behind her and Saxon in front of her. The Lykan Shifter was on his back and his broad chest made an excellent pillow.

Miri sighed in contentment as Lynx draped an arm over her waist and she rubbed her cheek against Saxon’s warm pelt. She wished she could sleep like this every night—she had never felt so warm and safe and comfortable in her life.

“Good night, my Lady,” Lynx purred drowsily.

“Good night, Lynx,” she replied. “Good night, Saxon.”

“Night,” was the rumbling reply and then the deep, rhythmic movement of his chest under her cheek let Miri know the big Monstrum was already fast asleep.

With a contented sigh, she let herself drift off as well. She had no idea what lay in store for her. If she had, she might have tried to stay awake…



In the middle of the night, Miri opened her eyes and found herself staring at the huge, silvery surface of the mirror.

And staring back at her was her mother.

“Mirabella, my darling.” Her mother’s face was just as Miri remembered it, slightly lined but incredibly beautiful just the same. She had long, golden hair and pale skin. She also had a curvy figure which Miri had inherited along with her green eyes.

“Momma!” Miri wanted to hug her but how can you hug a reflection? Which was all her mother appeared to be—just a reflection in the vast, silver mirror. “How did you get here?” she asked instead. “What are you doing here?”