Miri looked at him with wide eyes. So he really was going to fuck her—fuck her until he came in her. It was a good thing that just one of them alone couldn’t make her pregnant!
“That’s right,” Saxon growled, correctly interpreting her look. “I’m going to fuck you nice and deep and give you a creamy pussy and ass tonight, little Miri. And you’re going to be a good girl and let me. Can you do that? Can you open up and let me in to fuck you and cum inside you?”
Miri wet lips that had suddenly gone dry. All this dirty talk in Saxon’s growling voice as he looked into her eyes was almost enough to make her come on the spot.
“Yes, Sir,” she whispered at last. “I…I can be a good girl and let you take me.”
“Good,” Saxon growled and got into position behind her. “Then spread wide, my naughty little pet and get ready to let me fill you.”
The bed dipped beneath his weight and at the same time, Lynx got into position in front of her. His thick cock was at the right level for her mouth, but he didn’t try to get her to suck it yet. Instead, he cupped Miri’s face in his big, warm hands and looked into her eyes.
“It’s all right, my Lady,” he murmured reassuringly, even as Miri felt the head of Saxon’s primary cock rubbing between her pussy lips. “Just relax and be open—you’ve still got plenty of stretching-compounds in you from the way Saxon licked you after your bath.”
The bath in the strange pet bathing area seemed like a million years ago now. Miri moaned softly and kept her eyes on Lynx as she felt the primary shaft begin its slow slide into her wet, open pussy. It felt incredibly thick and at first she wasn’t sure she could take it, but then she felt her inner walls opening easily—almost eagerly to take the big Monstrum’s thickness.
“Oh,” she whispered, looking up at Lynx. “I can feel him in me—he’s so thick but…but it doesn’t hurt.”
“That’s because you’re being a good girl and opening your pussy nice and wide for me,” Saxon growled from behind her. His big hands were bracketing her hips, holding her in place as he slowly entered her. “But now it’s time you took my secondary shaft as well.”
As he spoke, Miri felt something blunt and slippery nudging her rosebud. She gave a little cry and tried to close her cheeks involuntarily.
“No, my Lady,” Lynx said sternly, shaking his head. “No, Mirabella—you must be open to my Bond-Brother. Let him fill you all the way.”
“All…all right. I’ll try,” Miri whispered in a tight voice. Of course, she’d just had the double tail inside her, but her back entrance still felt tender and fragile. Still, she did her best to be open and not tense up as she felt Saxon’s secondary shaft slipping past the tight ring of muscle and into her nether entrance.
“That’s right…that’s good,” Lynx murmured, stroking her cheek again. “You’re doing it—you’re letting him in. Keep going—he’s almost all the way in.”
“Almost there, little one,” Saxon growled, agreeing with Lynx. “Just let yourself be open…there.”
As he spoke, Miri felt the broad head of his primary shaft bottom out inside her pussy channel. At the same time, the secondary shaft seemed to have completely filled her back entrance as well. This was it—she was completely filled by the Lykan Shifter and he couldn’t get any deeper inside her.
“That’s it, my Lady—Saxon is all the way inside your sweet pussy and ass,” Lynx assured her. “How does it feel to be so completely filled?”
“I…I’m not sure,” Miri whispered, wiggling to try and get used to having two such thick shafts deep inside her. Saxon’s equipment made the double-tail she’d been wearing up until now feel like a little, insubstantial toy. What she had inside her now was the real thing. “Feels good, I think,” she said at last.
“And you’re such a good girl to take it all—to take Saxon so deep in your pussy and ass,” Lynx purred, looking into her eyes. “Do you know that, little Miri? Do you know what a good girl you are?”
Miri could feel herself blushing with pleasure. She didn’t know why the soft praise delivered in Lynx’s deep, purring voice should affect her so much but it truly did.
“I try to be good…Sir,” she said, still playing the part of the naughty pet. “Is…is he going to fuck me now?” she asked.
“Do you feel ready to be fucked?” Lynx asked her seriously. “I think he’s waiting for his precum and his pleasure fluid to work on you a little more before he starts.”
“Pleasure fluid?” Miri asked, frowning.
“It’s a liquid my secondary shaft makes,” Saxon growled from behind her, answering her question. “It fills you up and makes you feel tingly and warm and good inside. I’m pumping it into you now—coming in your ass. Can you feel it, little one?”