“Oh—like a quarter-Shift,” Saxon muttered. He and Lynx looked at Miri.

“My Lady?” Lynx asked, making it a question.

Miri bit her lip. She had no problem with the two huge Monstrum going into a quarter-Shift or their “teddy bear” phase, as she called it in her head. It was the same phase they’d been in the first time they “shared” her by touching her pussy. And she loved the feeling of their silky fur rubbing against her bare skin.

“I…don’t see a problem with that,” she said at last. “Though I guess it depends on what the Oracle wants to see us do together.”

“First strip to the skin, then Shift to begin,” the Oracle commanded the two Monstrum.

Miri wondered exactly how far this was going to go, but she watched as the two Monstrum silently removed their boots, vests, and trousers and then did a quarter-Shift, so fast it was difficult for her to see it. One moment their skin was smooth and the next moment they were covered in fur—a dense, shiny, golden fur in Lynx’s case and a thick shaggy black pelt tipped with silver in the case of Saxon.

But since they were naked, she could see that, besides their faces, which remained clear and humanoid, there was another part of them which didn’t get covered in fur. Both of their shafts, which were thrusting up from between their thighs, also remained free of fur. Well, except for the tiny, short hairs or ‘pleasure spines’ that covered the thick shaft of Lynx’s cock, that was. Those were probably always there, she speculated.

“Very good, just as you should,” the Oracle remarked, the silver face watching them with avid interest. “Now she who is the question’s host must give oral pleasure to you both.”

“What?” Miri frowned at the mirror face. “How can I possibly do that? I can’t fit even one of them in my mouth, let alone two at once!”

“Bring them close and lick them so—but on your knees, you first must go,” the Oracle commanded.

“Do you make all the people who visit you put on sex shows?” Saxon growled, frowning at the mirror face. “Is that how you get off?”

If he was hoping to shame the silvery entity, he failed.

“I cannot ‘get off’—not in the way you mean. But I can observe the sexual behavior of sentient beings—which I greatly enjoy,” the Oracle said frankly, not rhyming for the second time. “You see, I like to watch private acts which are normally hidden. And in the case of you three, I know how badly you wish to be together. I am simply giving you an excuse to indulge your own desires. It is for your own pleasure that I ask this treasure,” she added, finally reverting to rhyme.

“That seems like a convenient explanation,” Lynx murmured as Miri got to her knees between the two Monstrum—she was glad she was still wearing the black knee-pads!

The silver mirror around the face rippled, which Miri interpreted as a shrug.

“Think what you like but do as I ask. No answer will I give lest you complete this task.”

“I think we’d better…better do what she wants,” Miri said. She looked up at both of them. “Could you please come here? Both of you?” she asked.

The two big Monstrum exchanged an unreadable look and then the two of them came closer—Saxon on her left and Lynx on her right.

“Thank you.” Miri reached up and took them both in her hands—not that she could reach her fingers all the way around either thick shaft. She caressed Saxon’s primary shaft as well as the smaller secondary one on top and bit her lip as the pleasure spines on Lynx’s shaft gave her palm and fingers a pleasurable little sting, like many bright little shocks all at once.

“You’re sure you don’t mind doing this, my lady?” Lynx murmured, reaching down to stroke her cheek. “It’s very demeaning for you.”

“Why?” Miri asked. “Just because I’m kneeling and the two of you are standing? You both knelt before me to, er, kiss my panties. I don’t see why I shouldn’t return the favor.”

And leaning forward, she ran the tip of her tongue around the broad, mushroom-shaped head of Lynx’s cock.

There were no pleasure spines on the head, but she liked the sensation of tasting the big Monstrum anyway. He groaned softly as she used the tip of her tongue to explore the tiny slit which yielded a droplet of salty-sweet precum that had notes of vanilla—at least Miri thought it did, anyway.

And then it was Saxon’s turn.

Miri turned to the big Monstrum and brought the broad crown of his primary shaft to her mouth. Ovaling her lips, she sucked it in—he was so big just the head filled her mouth—and lapped him gently with her tongue.

“Gods, little one—you’re fucking good at that!” Saxon groaned. His pale eyes were blazing as he reached down to cup her face. “That’s right—suck me, sweetheart,” he muttered. “Let me feel that hot little mouth all around my cock.”