Then he rose and palmed her heavy breasts. Scrubbing and rubbing them, he spent extra time tugging her tight nipples until Miri moaned and writhed under his expert touch.

At the same time, Saxon had moved around behind her and was washing her inner thighs, running his big hands up and down in slow, smooth strokes. Miri bit back another moan as she felt him reach her bare pussy and then cup her in one big, warm hand.

“Easy, little one,” he rumbled as he rubbed some of the sweet-smelling foam over her mound, cleaning the tiny patch of curls there. “Just let yourself be open for me and I promise not to hurt you.”

Miri tried to do as he said—she even spread her thighs a little wider, letting him know she understood. She could feel herself getting hotter and wetter all the time as Lynx continued to tug and tease her sensitive nipples.

And then two thick fingers were slipping into her inner folds, swirling around and around the aching button of her clit and then finding their ways deep into her channel.

At the same time another thick, soapy finger began circling her rosebud. Before she knew it, it had slipped inside her tight back entrance as well, washing her more thoroughly than she’d ever been washed before.

“Oh!” Miri gasped softly as Saxon fucked gently into her. She felt so exposed, kneeling naked on the table in this crowded room and yet it felt so good to let her men touch her and wash her and pleasure her like this! Because there was no doubt they had more than just getting her clean on their minds—the way Lynx was teasing her nipples and Saxon was circling her clit while he fucked gently into her pussy and ass proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt.

“Good, that’s very good,” the bathing attendant said.

Miri jumped—she’d completely forgotten he was there.

“Glad we’re giving our ‘pet’ a bath to your satisfaction,” Saxon growled. “Now can you kindly fuck off?”

“As soon as I show you your pet’s accessories,” the bathing attendant said cheerfully. “You might need me to explain the double tail and the nipple decorations.”

He laid out a lot of different things—a leash and collar, a set of pointed “ears” attached to a headband that Miri supposed she would wear, and some small golden bands with golden threads tipped in sparkling beads on the other end of the metal table.

Then he produced something extremely odd—a contraption which looked like a double headed phallus curved in the middle, with a long, silky tail made of long, golden metallic strands affixed to the back of it.

“What the actual fuck?” Saxon stared at the thing blankly.

“I believe that’s the double tail, Brother,” Lynx said.

“It is, indeed,” the bathing attendant assured them. “As you can see, it has two heads—one for each of your pet’s orifices. This end is thinner than the other,” he added, showing them how one phallus was smaller and slimmer. “Which head you put into which orifice is up to you. Oh, and there’s an automatic double-pumping action as well,” he added.

“And is this really necessary? Making our, uh, pet wear this tail?” Lynx asked, frowning.

“If you want to see the Oracle it is.” The bathing attendant nodded. “Believe me—your pet will be glad of it—it will get her ready to meet the Oracle.”

“Why would she need to wear something like that to meet the fucking Oracle?” Saxon demanded.

“I’m not allowed to say much of the mysteries awaiting those who seek the wisdom of the Oracle,” the bathing attendant said loftily. “Let’s just say that the price it asks is often …sexual in nature.”

“What?” Miri exclaimed before she could stop herself. “I’m not going to get with some strange male just to hear what the Oracle has to say!”

The bathing attendant gave her a stern frown and she remembered that as a “pet” she wasn’t supposed to speak.

“No one said anything about having sexual relations with strangers,” he said stiffly, clearly addressing Lynx and Saxon and not Miri. “But the three of you may be required to…”

“Required to what?” Lynx asked urgently, when he trailed off.

“Never mind.” He shook his head mysteriously. “Let’s just say the Oracle likes to watch. Now just rinse off your pet, pat her dry, and put on all of her accessories. As soon as you’re finished, take her through those doors.” He pointed to another set of sliding glass and metal doors at the end of the room. “As long as you’ve done everything properly, you should pass inspection and then you’ll be given access to the tunnels that lead to the Oracle’s mountain.”

Then he turned and left, his long waterproof smock flapping behind him.

“Well…” Lynx turned on the water again and began spraying Miri off.

“Is that all you can say? Fucking ‘well’?” Saxon demanded. “When he tells us we have to put that fucking thing inside our female?” He picked up the double-ended tail with its long golden tassels and shook it in Lynx’s face.