And he turned his light board to show them a picture, just as the first attendant had. The female he showed them actually had four eyes, but she still had a bushy unibrow and a thick, luxuriant mustache, which must be considered a sexy feature here at Delphi Prime, Miri thought.

“Oh yeah—hot,” Saxon muttered sarcastically, still glaring.

“She is, isn’t she?” The attendant sighed happily. “And her toe-nipples—”

“I’m going to stop you right there,” Lynx said quickly. “Because we need to get on with the bathing so we can go see the Oracle.”

“Of course, of course.” The bathing attendant nodded. “Do go on—as soon as I’m sure you’re doing things correctly I’ll leave to attend the next group.”

“Well, little Miri…” Lynx turned to her. “I guess it’s time we got you undressed.” He leaned closer and murmured. “Sorry about this, my Lady.”

“It’s all right—we have to play our parts,” Miri murmured back.

She felt self-conscious as she turned her back to start undressing. She pulled the thin green dress with its brass accents off and then removed the panties and the thin, see-through undergarments as well. Quickly, she twisted her curls into a knot at the nape of her neck—she didn’t see any hair products here and she needed specific ones to keep her curls from getting frizzy.

“Now then—let’s get her into the tub,” the bathing attendant commanded.

“Come, little one. Up you get.” Saxon swung her into his muscular arms as though she weighed no more than a feather pillow and deposited her gently, on her hands and knees, into the shallow tub.

As the attendant had promised, there was a soft, spongy cushion lining the metal tub so it didn’t hurt Miri to kneel on her hands and knees—though she did feel extremely odd being naked and surrounded by males.

“Very good—now get the water to your desired temperature—you can use the flexible spray nozzle,” the bathing attendant said, continuing to micro-manage her bath. “And the second button there dispenses the soap right into the water.”

“Is this good, my Lady?” Lynx murmured in her ear, spraying some warm water on her hands. He and Saxon were standing on either side of her, shielding her as much as possible from prying eyes, though Miri still felt desperately naked. She was acutely aware of her breasts hanging down like ripe fruit, her nipples tight in the cool air.

“A little warmer, please,” she murmured, shivering.

Lynx adjusted the water and sprayed her again. This time, she nodded.

“Yes, that’s better.”

“Good, get her all wet and then add the soap into the mix,” the bathing attendant ordered.

“Don’t worry, little one—we’re right here,” Saxon rumbled, as Lynx began to spray her body all over with the warm water. “We’ll keep you safe—and shield you from prying eyes,” he added, casting another look at the bathing attendant.

“Thank you,” Miri breathed. It wasn’t that she was afraid—more just embarrassed. But knowing that the two big Monstrum were on either side of her like two strong walls surrounding and protecting her made her feel better in this odd situation.

The water took on a foamy quality and a soft, floral note drifted to Miri’s nose. She was glad she’d put her hair up—the soap smelled nice but it would doubtless have dried out her curls and made them frizz horribly.

“All right—now wash her,” the bathing attendant commanded, once she was covered in pink foam. “Both of you—and be sure not to neglect her sensitive areas, crevices, and orifices.”

“With your permission, my Lady,” Lynx murmured in her ear and she saw that Saxon was waiting also, though there was a hungry look in his pale blue eyes that said he might not wait for long.

“Okay,” she whispered, nodding. “Go ahead—wash me.”

And four big, strong, warm hands began caressing her body.

At first, she froze, feeling strange and exposed. But Saxon and Lynx were touching her gently but firmly, rubbing their hands all over her bare flesh as though she was a delicate artwork that might break if they scrubbed too hard. Miri felt herself melting as their big hands slid up and down her arms and legs and sides—they were being careful to avoid her private areas, she noted.

But this wasn’t good enough for the bathing attendant.

“No, no—didn’t I tell you not to neglect her crevices and orifices? And what about her breasts and nipples? You must bathe those as well!” he demanded.

Lynx bent down to catch Miri’s eye.

“My Lady?” he murmured in a low voice. Clearly he was asking for permission before they obeyed the bathing attendant’s demands.

Miri bit her lip for a moment. Well, she was already naked and the three of them had been intimate on several occasions. Also—and most importantly—she trusted the two big Monstrum.

“All right—go ahead,” she whispered. “Do…do what he’s telling you to do.”

“We’ll be gentle, my Lady,” Lynx purred softly. “I promise.”