“The normal amount of course—twelve on her right foot and thirteen on her left,” the attendant told him. “Ah—now you’re really jealous, aren’t you?” he asked, leering at Saxon and Lynx. “It makes our foot-play amazing. Are you into that?”

“Uh, no. No, we’re not, uh, into ‘that,’” Lynx said, frowning—for which Miri was profoundly grateful. “Other than to massage my Lady—I mean my pet’s feet from time to time.”

“But nothing fucking sexual,” Saxon added.

“Ah, a pity—you don’t know what you’re missing.” The attendant shook his head. “But I guess if there are no inter-toe nipples to play with…”

“There aren’t,” Lynx assured him. “Are we finished here?”

“Yes.” The attendant wrote one more thing on his light board and nodded as he looked up. “Just go through those doors to the pet washing area. You’re number forty-seven but there are over a hundred stations. Just find the one with your number and start bathing your pet. An attendant will come over and bring you everything I’ve ordered for you.”

“Thank you,” Lynx said courteously. “Er, do we pay for all the, uh, pet accoutrements here or there?”

“Oh, no charge—no charge.” The attendant shook his head. “It’s all provided as a public service. Again, we figure if your own pet is beautified enough, you won’t go running after our females. So consider your new pet accessories a gift from Delphi Prime to you.”

“Thank you—that’s very kind.” Lynx nodded. “Come on, my La—er, I mean, Little Miri,” he said to Miri. “Let’s go get you bathed.”

“Okay.” Miri nodded gravely and followed after him with Saxon guarding her back.

She wasn’t sure what to think—she’d been resigned to being a sex slave. In fact, she’d secretly been looking forward to it—it was kind of hot, in a way, thinking of serving the two big Monstrum sexually. But she’d never thought of being their sex pet.

She had an idea that a whole different world was about to open to her and she wasn’t sure what she might find there.



The pet washing area was a vast, open room filled with a hundred individual bathing stations. Each had a waist-high metal table with a shallow tub at one end. The tubs had a faucet, and several taps as well as a spraying head connected to flexible metal tubing.

Everywhere she looked, Miri saw women of different species kneeling on hands and knees in the tubs while their men bathed them. Some of them looked happier about this than others and there was a lot of splashing going on.

“I wonder what happens if you want to consult the Oracle but you’re neither male nor female?” Lynx murmured. He was looking at the same pale blue blob-like creatures Miri had seen earlier.

“Or if you’re both,” Saxon rumbled. “There are plenty of species who are hermaphroditic. Or they switch sexes depending on their cycle or who they’re near at the time.”

“I guess they just choose who gets to play the ‘male’ and who gets to play the ‘female,’” Miri murmured, keeping her voice low since pets weren’t supposed to speak.

“Yeah, otherwise they wouldn’t allow them in for fear they’d go chasing after the Delphi females with their fucking nipples toes,” Saxon growled.

Miri tried to stifle a laugh.

“Oh my Goddess, I thought I was going to lose it when he said that!”

“Shhh!” Lynx cautioned her. “Here comes an attendant.”

Another male attendant—also with three eyes and a unibrow—came over to them.

“Number forty-seven?” he asked briskly, looking at his light board.

“Yes, Sir,” Lynx said, nodding. “Are you here to direct us to our bathing station?”

“Yes, and to give you your pet supplies. Right this way, please.”

The new attendant—who was wearing a long, water-proof smock, Miri noticed—led them over to a metal table with an imbedded, waist-high tub which had the number 47 floating in glowing yellow holo-numbers above it.

“Here you are,” he said. “You can strip your pet and put her directly into the tub. There’s padding on the bottom so she won’t bruise her hands and knees or any other appendages she might happen to have,” he added. “Well—go on. Let’s see you get her washed.”

“What—you’re going to stand here and watch?” Saxon demanded, frowning.

“Until I’m certain you’re doing it right, yes I am,” the attendant said firmly. “You wouldn’t believe how some people try to cut corners—they try to just splash a little water on their pet and call it done—which isn’t nearly good enough, of course. Proper pet hygiene must be observed.”

“What is the pet bathing protocol, then?” Lynx asked politely.

“You must get your pet completely naked, to start with,” the attendant said, frowning at Miri. “And then you must soap every bit of her—including and especially her sensitive areas and her orifices. Don’t worry about me watching,” he added to Saxon, who was openly glaring at him. “After I’m sure you’re doing it right, I’ll leave. I have no prurient sexual interest in watching your sex pet get bathed—I have a goddess of my own back home.”