“Names please?” The attendant waited, stylus poised above his light board.

“I’m Lynx and this is Saxon, my Bond-Brother,” Lynx said promptly. “We’re here to visit the Oracle,” he added.

“Yes, yes—everyone is,” the attendant muttered, gesturing to the crowded waiting area in the Delphi Prime Space Port as he wrote their names on his board. He had one bushy black eyebrow which went across his entire forehead but it didn’t look as strange as the fact that he had three purple eyes, all in a row, under it.

“Is there a long wait?” Saxon growled, eyeing the crowd of aliens milling around the Space Port suspiciously.

It seemed that there was some one from every known species in the galaxy, Miri thought—and there were some she didn’t know at all. Most were humanoid but there were a few strange ones—the pale blue blob creatures in the corner for instance. Who or what were they?

“Not a long wait at all—the Oracle has many facets and faces to communicate with,” the attendant said briskly. “And what is the name of your pet, please?”

“Our what?” Lynx looked almost as confused as Miri felt because the attendant was looking straight at her with all three of his eyes.

“Your pet—your sex pet!” he said impatiently. “Also, did you know that pets are not allowed to be dressed? Except for enhancement costuming, of course.”

“You’re calling our female a pet?” There was a dangerous growl in Saxon’s deep voice. For a moment, Miri thought he might Shift.

“Of course I am!” The attendant refused to be intimidated. “Because, by Delphi Prime law, all males entering our planet must have their own sex pet. That keeps them off our women, you know,” he added. “It’s a well-known fact that our females are well-nigh irresistible. Take my own mate for example.”

He flipped his light board around and showed them a picture of a statuesque female striking a provocative pose. Like her husband, she had three squinty eyes and a broad, bushy unibrow running along the top of them. Her lips were covered in purple lip-stain and pursed in a kiss. But the lip-stain wasn’t nearly as noticeable as the bushy mustache on the lip above it

“I know, I know—she’s hot, right?” the attendant said proudly, turning the light board this way and that so Lynx and Saxon could both fully appreciate the image. “You’re jealous, right? If she was here right now, I could barely keep you off her!”

“She certainly is a distinctive looking female,” Lynx said diplomatically. “That’s a very fine, er, mustache”

Saxon just made a face.

“So now you see why every male who comes to our planet must have their own sex pet,” the attendant said, flipping the board back around to continue working. “And is this little female yours?”

“She is,” Lynx said quickly. “Her name is Mirabella but we just call her, er…”

“Little Miri,” Saxon supplied.

“You share her?” The attendant lifted his eyebrow at them.

“Yes. We’re Bond-Brothers—we must share a female,” Lynx said firmly.

“All right. Kinky but it’s fine as long as you’re both sexually satisfied.” The attendant nodded and made another mark on his board.

“Fully,” Lynx assured him.

“Good. Then you won’t come panting after any of our females,” the attendant said.

“We can fucking promise you that,” Saxon growled and Lynx gave him a warning nudge.

“Good.” The attendant nodded again. “Then you’ll be granted entry to the planet and the Oracle’s mountain as soon as you visit the pet washing area.”

“The what?” Saxon frowned.

“The pet washing area,” the attendant repeated. “It’s through those doors,” he added, nodding to a pair of sliding glass and metal doors behind them.

“And…this is a required step?” Lynx asked, raising his eyebrows.

“If you want to see the Oracle, it is,” the attendant snapped. “You must make certain your pet is clean and presentable and free of parasites. Oh, and you’ll need the proper accessories too. How many orifices does your pet have between her legs?”

“What the fuck did you just ask?” Saxon growled, glaring at the man.

“Two!” Miri said quickly, speaking up for the first time. She put a hand on Saxon’s arm—he was quivering with tension, as though he thought she’d been insulted. For someone who never wanted to take another mate since he’d lost his first one, he certainly was extremely protective of her, she thought.

“Pets don’t talk,” the attendant said, pointing at her sternly. “However, I’ll let it slide this once. Two,” he muttered, marking it on his light board. “Good, so I’ll put you down for a double-ended tail, some ears, a collar and leash, and some nipple decorations. She does have nipples, right?” he asked Lynx, since Saxon was still fuming.

“Yes, two,” Lynx said shortly.

“Only two?” The attendant shook his head. “See now, my mate has twenty seven—two on each breast and one between each of her toes.”

“Wait…what?” Saxon looked confused. “How many fucking toes does she have then?”