He sighed as he pushed the bitter-sweet memory away. There was no point in grieving over the past forever…though he could at least make sure that he and Lynx didn’t repeat the same mistakes. Which meant that he needed to stop thinking of Mirabella…needed to stop wanting her so damn much!

Of course, that was easier said than done, especially since he and Lynx were standing behind her, waiting in the receiving line for her to be announced so they could suck her sweet nipples and kiss her panties. And all he could think of was pushing the damn panties aside so he could actually taste her soft little pussy and lick that ripe little clit…so he could thrust his tongue deep in her channel and taste her honey right from the source…

No! He pushed the thought away. They were going to do things by the book. He and Lynx were going to kiss her panties and then act the part of her bodyslaves for this one night only. After that, they were going back to the Monstrum Mother Ship and they would never see her again.

But why did that thought produce such heaviness and dread, like a lead ball in his solar plexus? Why did the idea of leaving the curvy little female make him ache inside?

To take his mind off the idea of leaving her, he scanned the crowd for possible threats. The Leadership Meeting was, as Mirabella had said, basically just a big, fancy party. There were rich, important Yonnite Mistresses mingling together with their bodyslaves on collars and leashes all over the huge, expensive hall with its marble columns and inlaid flooring.

Saxon and Lynx were wearing some of the old pain collars which no longer worked which they had found in Mirabella’s Aunt’s penthouse, just to keep up appearances. Mirabella had said they might not be allowed into the meeting without them because they were so “big and scary-looking.” The other Mistresses, she explained, would want to know that she had a way to control the two of them if they decided to “make trouble.”

Saxon didn’t mind wearing a collar, though he drew the line at a leash. He watched the other bodyslaves and noticed that some wore leashes and some just had the collars. Apparently it was an individual choice—by the Mistress of course, not the bodyslave.

Aside from the collars, they had found other garments to help them fit in—tight black leather trousers with the crotch cut out. This allowed both of their hard shafts to be put on display.

“I’m sorry about this,” Mirabella had said apologetically as he and Lynx had stuffed themselves into the too-tight trousers. “But it’s the Yonnite custom to display a bodyslave’s shaft when you go out in public.”

“Don’t worry about it, my Lady,” Lynx had purred reassuringly. “We’re all just playing our parts here—we’re not offended just because we have to wear a few silly costumes in order to stay near you.”

“Speak for yourself,” Saxon had growled, looking down at his own exposed double shaft. He was probably going to get some stares at the meeting, he thought. Most males only had a single shaft—Lynx only had a single one for that matter. Although he had other attributes with which to pleasure a female…

Speaking of which, he noticed Mirabella looking at them both from the corner of her eye.

“Is there a problem, little Mistress?” he’d asked, raising an eyebrow at her. “You’ve seen this part of my anatomy before—remember?”

“Oh, yes—I remember.” She lifted her chin, though he thought her light brown skin looked rather rosy—was she blushing? “In fact, I was just thinking that I need to check and see how well your, uh, wound is healing.”

“It’s fine,” Saxon had growled. “That salve you put on me worked great.”

“Nevertheless, I should check.” She had come over to him, her tight, berry-dark nipples still poking through the green dress and a serious expression on her face.

“All right, sure. Why not?” Saxon had shrugged, trying not to betray the way his heart had started slamming against his ribs. What was it about her soft touch that aroused him so damn much?

Mirabella had taken him in her warm, soft hands and examined the place where he’d been grazed by the laser blast. As before, Saxon couldn’t help rising to her touch—both his primary and secondary shafts stood up for her, throbbing and tingling as she ran her soft fingers over his most delicate area.

After a moment, she looked up at him in surprise.

“You’re completely healed—I can’t even see where you were wounded!”

“Monstrum are fast healers,” Saxon had growled.

“And the pleasure we took with you last night probably helped,” Lynx, who had been watching quietly, put in.

“Oh? How is that?” Mirabella had looked up at the Felinus Shifter with a little frown on her face.