The Felinius could and did kill when necessary—hell, he’d shot several of the attacking Cast-offs dead just a few minutes past when they were trying to get to this Goddess-forsaken alley. But he never allowed the killing to make him cruel. He wasn’t dark and twisted inside, like Saxon—he hadn’t been utterly ruined by their loss.
Saxon wished he knew his Bond-Brother’s secret.
Many had said they shouldn’t be bonded at all. Even as boys, it was clear that Saxon was on a dark path—the people of both their clans had been afraid he would drag Lynx down with him.
Instead, Lynx had lifted him up. Despite being a Lykan, Saxon had been considered almost respectable for a while. But that was before their mate had died. Before…
Saxon couldn’t even bear to think her name. He knew that if he hadn’t formed a Brother-Bond with Lynx, he would have followed her into the darkness. Death was easier than dealing with loss.
Stop fucking thinking about it, he told himself angrily. You’re here to protect Mistress Mirabella—whoever the fuck she is!
But it didn’t look like they were ever going to meet her—not with the enormous golden automaton in their way.
“Hello,” Lynx said politely, speaking as though the damn thing was actually alive and would care if he hurt its feelings. “I’m Commander Lynx and this is my Bond-Brother, Commander Saxon. We’re specially trained Monstrum Kindred, sent here to protect Mistress Mirabella. Do you know where we can find her?”
The golden robot hesitated, then spoke in a hollow, mechanical tone.
“I’ve been watching you for some time. You don’t look like any Kindred I have seen before,” it said.
“Ah…” Lynx cleared his throat. “You must have seen my Bond-Brother in his half-Shifted form. Please don’t let that scare you—we can stay non-Shifted the whole time we’re with you if that makes you feel more comfortable.”
Saxon shot his Bond-Brother an irritated look. Staying non-Shifted for days on end was going to be damned uncomfortable. That was because both of them had two natures—their humanoid nature and their Fur Form. Favoring one over the other always caused discomfort—a feeling of losing one’s center. That was why it was so much more comfortable to stay in his half-Shifted form, Saxon thought.
But Lynx didn’t approve of it. He seemed to think that being half-Shifted all the time was lazy—as though Saxon wasn’t trying hard enough to fit in with the people around them. Who were mainly Earthlings, since they’d arrived in this universe. Lynx’s argument was that it was already hard enough for the two of them to fit in—being seven feet tall and muscular with gold and silver hides respectively. Adding a furry pelt and animalistic facial features only made matters worse.
Well, maybe I don’t fucking care if it makes matters worse, Saxon thought, baring his teeth in a feral grimace. This fucking robot wasn’t helping things any, standing in the middle of the door, blocking their way forward.
“How do I know you won’t hurt me—I mean hurt Mistress Mirabella?” the robot asked, still in that same, hollow tone that seemed to emanate somewhere from the center of its round, golden midsection.
Lynx spread his hands.
“You have our word as Monstrum Kindred Warriors—to us, all female life is sacred. We have heard of the danger Mistress Mirabella is in and we wish only to protect her.”
“What about him? He doesn’t seem very…protective.”
The golden robot’s round head swiveled to look at Saxon, who glared back at it—fucking robot! What did it know?
“He might not seem like it, but my Bond-Brother is kind and true. He’s also loyal to a fault—a good male to have at your back,” Lynx said earnestly—giving Saxon more credit than he deserved. “I will vouch for him.”
The robot seemed to be considering this. At last, the round golden ball of its head made a nodding gesture.
“Very well, follow me inside. Please lock and bar the door behind you or the Cast-offs will get in.”
It turned smoothly and began rolling down the hallway. Saxon followed with Lynx right behind him. The Felinus took a moment to lock and bar the door, as requested, and then it appeared they were simply going to go wherever the golden robot led them.
What else could they do?
There seemed to be some kind of maze of metal hallways within the building they had entered, Lynx thought as he and Saxon followed the rolling golden automaton. They went left, then right, then right again and then through too many other twists and turns to count, but the robot seemed to know where it was leading them.
“Where the fuck are we going and when are we ever fucking going to get there?” Saxon muttered and Lynx felt a burst of irritation from him.
“Just give it a minute—this is supposed to be a panic room—a place that’s secure from all threats,” he reminded his Bond-Brother. “I’m sure this maze is part of its defenses.”