Actually, there were two torsos as well, Miri saw, which each had its own set of arms. But they both connected to the same thick waist and monstrous, tree-trunk-like set of legs.

The two beings were identical with wide purple eyes, gray skin, and black hair but that was the end of their similarity.

The person on the left was dressed in a tightly fitted, bottle green waistcoat with a ruffled, snow-white cravat at his neck. His hair was worn in a long black ponytail and he also had on a beret-like cap tilted rakishly over one purple eye.

The person on the right was wearing a much less eye-catching outfit. His outer jacket was a plain navy blue with understated silver buttons and his black hair was cut in a short, no-nonsense style.

The trousers they were wearing on their thick legs mirrored their upper torsos, Miri saw. The right leg was navy blue and the left was bottle green. All in all, it was a bizarre look, but she did her best not to stare.

“Lord Fancipants is a famous designer,” Mistress Hottalot explained, nodding at the person on the left. “And of course, his brother, Mr. Jobus, is an award-winning architect.”

“Speaking of which, I have an appointment with a client this afternoon. I hope this nonsense isn’t going to make me late,” the person on the right said dryly.

“Hush, Jobus!” the one on the left exclaimed. “How often must I remind you of our agreement? I do not speak during meetings with your clients and you do not speak during meetings with mine!”

“Oh, very well, Torbux!” Jobus grumbled, crossing his arms over his narrow chest. “Only hurry, won’t you? How long can it possibly take to find one female a single dress to wear?”

“It will take as long as it takes,” his brother snapped. “And how many times must I tell you—I am Lord Fancipants—not Torbux.”

“Our mother named you Torbux and that’s what I’m calling you,” Jobus said firmly. “Now hadn’t you better attend to your client so we can get to mine in time?”

“They’re a Doubler, from Reej’ler Two,” Mistress Hottalot whispered to Miri while the two brothers fought with each other. “They don’t always get along but Lord Fancipants is a visionary when it comes to fashion, so it’s worth it. Why—he designed my all-pink look, did you know?”

She twirled in her pink gown, which fanned stiffly out at the sides, ensuring that she would have to turn sideways to get through any doorway, Miri thought.

“Oh, no, I didn’t know that,” she said, trying to smile. She just hoped that Lord Fancipants wouldn’t decide to make her wear all pink—she despised the color.

“Let me see now,” Lord Fancipants and his brother took a lumbering step forward, towards Miri—which made her wonder who controlled the legs. He was looking her up and down with his sharp, purple eyes while his brother appeared to be completely distracted with something on his personal communications device.

“Chin up!” Lord Fancipants barked. “Let me see your eyes, girl!”

Miri straightened her spine reflexively and lifted her chin. She felt like she was undergoing an inspection which she was failing miserably.

“Yes…yes, I see. Hmm…yes.” The left half of the Doubler nodded. “Green is your color, I think. All right—off with your clothing,” he added, making a motion with one hand.

“Er…what?” Miri asked, clutching nervously at the silver and green lace gown she’d been wearing for so long.

“I said off! We’re about to try on some new things. Lady Hottalot, where is that worthless assistant of yours? I need my clothing rack!”

“Here I am!” A short, rather rotund little man dressed as a bodyslave in tight black trousers with a pain collar around his neck came rushing into the room. He was pushing a floating clothing rack which seemed to have an alarming number of garments swaying from its silver bar.

“Oh, there you are, Little Choo!” Mistress Hottalot exclaimed. “Good—we were just about to strip Miri naked so we can get her to try on some new things.”

“Not in front of all these strange males you’re fucking not!” Saxon growled. He had been lounging on the pink chaise in the middle of the wardrobe area but now he was suddenly at Miri’s side, looking extremely threatening.

“My Bond-Brother is right—our Lady will not be getting undressed in front of strangers,” Lynx purred smoothly, coming to stand at her other side.

“Goodness but these new bodyslaves of yours are protective!” Mistress Hottalot exclaimed, looking at Miri. “Maybe a bit too protective.”

“I can’t work like this!” Lord Fancipants threw up his arms. “How am I going to fit the clothing to the person I’m dressing if I can’t see her?”

“Besides, neither Torbux or I would have any interest in your Mistress,” Jobus said, speaking up unexpectedly. “We can only mate with another Doubler. We have no interest in freaks who have only one torso and head.” He made a face and went back to his communications device.